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Announcements >> Forums Messages >> Works in Progress

Message started by Freddy on 23.12.2006 at 05:33:02

Title: Works in Progress
Post by Freddy on 23.12.2006 at 05:33:02
[smiley=lolk.gif] Where have I seen that before??

As far as I know the situation on the boards should be in this way now:
1° guests may see all posts;
2° all members (including all kinds of "bosses") should be able to start new topics, reply etc.;
3° Wingy's demand for Lost Ones, Wanderers etc. is fulfilled;
4° it should be impossible to add emailaddresses (safety first).

Showing screenshots, uploading mansions and lots of other things are for later.

First I want to get rid of my 5 sheriff-stars. ::)

EDIT: guests can't read the posts, only see the different forums, for the time being.

Title: Re: Works in Progress
Post by brell on 23.12.2006 at 07:02:24

Freddy wrote on 23.12.2006 at 05:33:02:
3° Wingy's demand for Lost Ones, Wanderers etc. is fulfilled;

How did you do that?  Didn't find it on the Admin center.

Title: Re: Works in Progress
Post by Freddy on 23.12.2006 at 07:10:39
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