Midnight Mansion Forums
Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> This Old Mansion >> Version 1.2

Message started by Freddy on 25.02.2007 at 01:22:14

Title: Version 1.2
Post by Freddy on 25.02.2007 at 01:22:14
An update of this mansion is now downloadable. Besides a few minor changes a more important pole-problem got fixed.

Oh yes: the amount of secrets changed. And for sherryl199, at my latest attempt I found $ 43.550 !

Title: Re: Version 1.2
Post by arevn on 25.02.2007 at 01:32:33

Freddy wrote on 25.02.2007 at 01:22:14:
An update of this mansion is now downloadable. Besides a few minor changes a more important pole-problem got fixed.

Oh yes: the amount of secrets changed. And for sherryl199, at my latest attempt I found $ 43.550 !

Hey, I have my own thread! Cool!

I'd say this Canadian mansion is definitely 'normal difficulty', but that's where the normality (if that's a word) ends... Bwa ha ha!


Title: Re: Version 1.2
Post by Wingy on 25.02.2007 at 01:33:43
Mansion's own boards are getting abit out of hand, I think. There's too many! You should make a board for all these boards inside it, Freddy or some other admin.  :)

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