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Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> Discotheque of Doom >> Discoteque of Doom Help - again http://www.actionsoft.com/forums/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1175981919 Message started by dlcatftwin on 08.04.2007 at 05:47:38 |
Title: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by dlcatftwin on 08.04.2007 at 05:47:38
Greetings all, again (and Ryos, hi again),
I followed Ryos' instructions and they worked like a charm getting out of room 20505. Now I find myself stuck elsewhere, closer to the destination but still afar off. I am now in room 20310, with the four squares. I am in the lower left square, having fallen off the "M/M" block. Jack can't get out; please tell me this is not a glitch, and there's some trick move to get back in action. :-? Many thanks, DLC |
Title: Re: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by ryos on 08.04.2007 at 06:39:58
'Fraid I'm not sure what you're talking about. You may have found a hidden area that I missed.
Title: Re: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by dlcatftwin on 08.04.2007 at 07:46:11
Hi Ryos,
Thanks for the response. The main square is divided into four "quadrants" (with a shortened purple door between the two left-side quadrants). Each quadrant has one block (load-bearing so to speak) in the middle of it, the bottom two having the initials "MM" on them. The lower left quadrant *had* one skull spider in it - that killed one of my Jacks, so it's gone. In attempting to jump up on to the higher level (the upper two quadrants), jack fell behind (to the left) of the MM square in this lower left quadrant, making him trapped by hte MM block - he can't jump on it, he can't scoot under it, he appears to be trapped. I was wondering if there was a way out, like a special jump to get back onto the MM block and back into action? (I am guessing that there is an area to explore beyond the aforementioned purle door; I did find the key which was in the lower RIGHT quadrant). Thanks, DLC |
Title: Re: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by aquaMat on 08.04.2007 at 19:59:43
First of all.... Ryos - thanks for answering dlcatftwin's first question (in the other thread). Your answers have been correct.
Now to this question: (BTW.... why did you create a new thread for it?? I only stumbled upon it by chance... ;)) In room #20310 it seems you have made the one "bad" move I thought I had prevented....by putting not one, but two skull spiders in the lower left quadrant I wanted to indicate it's not a good idea to leave the MM-block... in case someone still does...say he accidentially fell off the MM-block (like you did apparently), I thought 2 skullspiders were enough to take care of this !! You must have died at least twice, and fallen off the MM-block three times to end there stuck ?!? :o :o 'Cause that's what you are now, sorry to report...!! STILL: I don't think that qualifies as a Jack-stuck that needs to be designed out....even if in this case it definitely is. But it happens only to one in a million players, I reckon....to fall off three times in a row.... wouldn't it ? 8-) So, dlcatftwin, unfortunately there's no solution...other than to abort the game and restart at the nearest save point. Sorry about this. PS: Thanks for playing & enjoying DoD..... please keep playing !! |
Title: Re: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by ryos on 08.04.2007 at 23:41:34 Quote:
...Or, he just happened to have two shields... |
Title: Re: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by dlcatftwin on 09.04.2007 at 07:25:24
Thanks, Aquamat,
I went ahead and went back to save #5, and when I came back to the area in question, I just avoided that square altogether. A little of both (referring to Ryos) - I had one shield and died twice, trying to find the way up to the higher level of quadrants. Gues i don't have that "Lost One" status for nothing! :) Thank yu both for the replies. DLC |
Title: Re: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by aquaMat on 10.04.2007 at 18:26:06
But now you're rewarded with being a wanderer !!! :D ;) :D
Title: Re: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by Wingy on 11.04.2007 at 02:31:09
[smiley=birthdays.gif] [smiley=birthdays.gif] [smiley=birthdays.gif] [smiley=birthdays.gif]
Party time! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif] |
Title: Re: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by dlcatftwin on 11.04.2007 at 08:52:43
Oh, yeah, oh yeah, a promotion - how cool! :D :D :D
Title: Re: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by aquaMat on 11.04.2007 at 18:27:13
Yo Wingy.... what about you ??
I remember you raised hell to get your hands on the Discotheque before your holiday.... and now ? Have you played it at all ? |
Title: Re: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by Wingy on 11.04.2007 at 22:32:10
I played about 20 rooms and suspended and then... system failure! :-[ I'll have to play it again. I'm really busy now with my school... have I to do alot! :o Also I have to work on my contest entry! :o
Title: Re: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by Jackie on 13.12.2008 at 04:04:27
Hmmm. I also got a JS in Rm. 20310 by coming up from in front of the purple door. Thought I'd grab the shield before departing to the left. Rather interesting that DLC was on Save #5 and I only have one save at this point. :-/
![]() |
Title: Re: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by aquaMat on 13.12.2008 at 20:41:25
Note: (This is my second reply..... just when I finished my first, very eloquent one, my Mac crashed and the reply was gone. I now try to paraphrase myself.... but I'm sure it is not as perfect as my first reply !)
Yes, I vaguely remember having thought about this back then (during the design of DoD). The main reason for this is the old MM game bug that allows Jack to jump over certain smaller closed doors. To be more precise, this unlikely JS only occurs if a player a) jumps "on top" of the closed purple door..... and then... b) jumps further up from there, to the spot where you got stuck..... and c) does all this BEFORE he grabs the purple key (otherwise the purple door would immediately open if one tries to jump "over" it). There's really not much I could do against that game bug (except completely altering the room design). As I'm otherwise very proud of this unusual room I decided to keep it and leave it as it is. So it really doesn't happen often - after DoD's 2 or more years of existence you're the first one ever to report this JS.... so I'd rather keep the room and advise people to play "according to the rules" which in this case means: not jump over closed doors !! 8-) ;-) BTW: there's no need to remind me of the "rules" for JS's now.... I'm fully aware of them, but I simply feel in cases like this we have to give the room design priority over a potential but improbable JS. |
Title: Re: Discoteque of Doom Help - again Post by aquaMat on 13.12.2008 at 20:46:50
The shield you tried to "grab before departing to the left" is only a red herring, anyway. Maybe - as a compromise or a concession, so to speak - I could erase this shield and maybe this will result in even less people trying to "get up there".... ??!? :-/ |
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