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Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> Midnight Mazes and Monsters >> Okay... and again!

Message started by dlcatftwin on 19.06.2007 at 05:08:14

Title: Okay... and again!
Post by dlcatftwin on 19.06.2007 at 05:08:14
Hi Freddie, Brell, Rose, et. al.

Okay, I finished Mx3 and now i am going back and "mopping up".
One challenge was getting beyond the "magic Maze" area and going on to the areas below, including the "Ultimate Maze" region. So, here's what I did:
In room 16342 (the one with the words "Magic Maze" in it), I crawled down the secret ladder and walked across the "ceiling" in rooms 16542, 16541, 16540, 16539, and 16538 respectively.
In room 16538, it appears that jack (oops, SIR Jack) has to get down from the pedestal that he is on (left side of room), but any jump is either to his doom, OR he vaults back up to the ceiling.
Now what am I missing? :-?

Title: Re: Okay... and again!
Post by Freddy on 19.06.2007 at 06:18:40
Euh ... a better jump. Have a look at the landing place. There is one single brick that is higher. That is where Sir Jack needs to arrive. Use the left arrow button to correct his landing AFTER jumping.

Btw, you are really NOT the first who is arriving back onto the ceiling.

Title: Re: Okay... and again!
Post by dlcatftwin on 19.06.2007 at 06:26:42
"Btw, you are really NOT the first who is arriving back onto the ceiling."

Thanks for the instruction, Freddy.  :)
I'm curious about your comment - is there anothe way to get into this section that I missed?
Thanks again,

Title: Re: Okay... and again!
Post by Freddy on 19.06.2007 at 06:29:40

Title: Re: Okay... and again!
Post by dlcatftwin on 19.06.2007 at 06:43:46
Hi again,
Okay, let me get this straight... use the left arrow after Jack jumps? does he jump from the platform (on the left) or from the higher single brick that's floating towards the right of the platform?
If the first, jack jumps to his death each time, even if i stand on the edge, if from the floating brick all he does is vault up back on top of the ceiling.  :-/
Guess I need a MUCH better jump. Where's the best place to stand?

Title: Re: Okay... and again!
Post by brell on 19.06.2007 at 07:51:35
You stand on the edge as you stated, to AVOID the floating brick. Then you adjust your landing with the left button.

Title: Re: Okay... and again!
Post by dlcatftwin on 19.06.2007 at 08:36:32
Got it!
Thanks much!

Title: Re: Okay... and again!
Post by Mikee on 27.06.2007 at 04:16:50
PLEASE!!! Stuck not AGAIN! OKAY?!?  ;)

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