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Message started by aquaMat on 24.07.2007 at 20:37:22

Title: Jack-stucks in original mansions
Post by aquaMat on 24.07.2007 at 20:37:22
Like several other members I have replayed some of the original mansions lately (I assume we're all playing those old mansions again, due to the lack of new mansions...... aah.. the downside of this XP contest !!), especially the HARD versions and I found several points that we usually do not tolerate in custom mansions, namely Jack-stucks, several cheap deaths and (in Nightmare Mansion Hard, I guess it was) at least one further incident were it seemed not possible to finish with ALL doors opened (as you had to decide at one point to take a pole down..... ).

Even if I didn't write down the mansions and exact room numbers to report these problems in detail, I mention it to show you - following the recent Knight Mansion Bug discussion - that there are indeed several other potential problems or at least "quirks" one has to deal with while playing the original mansions.

A second ago I had to abort Knight Mansion Hard (somewhere after the 4th save pedestal) because I got stuck with not even suicide left as an option.  Same has happened to me in Castle Doom Hard, where it happened (in that gold/silver block puzzle "maze") when I was killed directly after having pulled a gold/silver toggle lever and then reborn BEHIND  gold blocks without the possibility to get out !!

This also goes to show how far we have progressed in mansion design: all those things haven't been noticed by anyone during the first years of MM design...... so ultimately it's a good sign, I would say !   :-/  ;)

Title: Re: Jack-stucks in original mansions
Post by VernJensen on 25.07.2007 at 04:01:58
I'd love for you to report specifics (mansion name, easy/normal/hard, and room number, and what the problem is). I don't want to have any jack-stucks, cheap deaths, or the like to exist in any of the original mansions. I will fix them if they are reported, and am grateful for the time taken to find them.

Title: Re: Jack-stucks in original mansions
Post by aquaMat on 26.07.2007 at 19:05:19
Alright, Vern....

I'll try to come up with as many as I can remember...but it'll take some time, as I have to go through those mansions again, either by playing or in the editor. I'll get back to you a.s.a.p.  ;)

Title: Re: Jack-stucks in original mansions
Post by Freddy on 28.07.2007 at 02:33:20
@ aquaMat: Just keep in mind that 1.0.9 fixed some things (did you play the mansions with 8 or 9?) and you don't need to check the Falcon Manors, since Alan/Falcon is going to rearrange all 3 versions.

Title: Re: Jack-stucks in original mansions
Post by aquaMat on 28.07.2007 at 19:09:34
@ Freddy:

I started my repeated play-throughs with 1.0.8. and the first couple of things I noticed were probably then, but I finished using 1.0.9. and at least the last one or two issues (like the "gold/silver reborn bug" I mentioned) happened in 1.0.9..

Since I have to try to identify the exact room numbers etc. for Vern I will have to re-create the problems anyway, which I certainly will be doing in 1.0.9. (I'm not sure if I'll remember all issues that happened, though....!)

BTW, yesterday I finished Knight Mansion Hard (in 1.0.9.) I experienced none of the problems that had been discussed a while ago - which is a good sign. However I ended up with 100 % secrets and all rooms visited (and -as far as I know of- all doors opened), but I still had 1 blue key left !!?!  Is that normal ?

Title: Re: Jack-stucks in original mansions
Post by Olle the Greatest on 10.01.2008 at 05:56:14
Just played Cathedral Towers Normal, when I seem to get stuck having two red doors and a yellow, but the keys I possess are green and purple...

It seems I made a mistake opening the yellow door in room 15293 instead of 15093, since behind the latter is a new yellow key

So now I can't go anywhere...

Anyone seen this or is there a way out somehow?

Title: Re: Jack-stucks in original mansions
Post by brell on 10.01.2008 at 06:56:06
As far as I remember you have to restart from the last saving point.  Yes, it is possible to become stuck by using your keys in the wrong order.

Title: Re: Jack-stucks in original mansions
Post by Freddy on 13.01.2008 at 02:51:27
Just to know. If this is a real Jack-stuck, did anyone informed Vern about it? Because I know he is eager to correct those things asap.

Title: Re: Jack-stucks in original mansions
Post by brell on 13.01.2008 at 03:25:31

Freddy wrote on 13.01.2008 at 02:51:27:
Just to know. If this is a real Jack-stuck, did anyone informed Vern about it? Because I know he is eager to correct those things asap.

Not that I know of.

Title: Re: Jack-stucks in original mansions
Post by Freddy on 13.01.2008 at 03:31:17
Okay. I'll do.

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