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Message started by joeb on 15.01.2008 at 23:53:00

Title: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by joeb on 15.01.2008 at 23:53:00
Fellow mansioneers......

Matt and I are going to be putting out an empty mansion with a set of graphics from our mansions. We'd like to know which graphics you all would like to see in the mansion. If you can find a room with the brick or background you like and use Grab to get a small section and post it. If someone has already posted the brick just reference the post. We'll give this a couple of weeks and then release a composite.


Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by aquaMat on 17.01.2008 at 01:48:29
Very generous of you...!

I guess, generally it'll be better to have a basic set containing things like wall-bricks, sand, snow, wallpaper, grass and flowers, rather than specific things like your custom creatures etc.

This way there'd still be room for a designer's own creative input (if needed) and the resulting mansions won't look like a complete copy of the "Matt & Joe world".

That's just my 2 euro-cents, though.....

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by joeb on 17.01.2008 at 08:14:21
Thanks aquaMat

Forgot to mention......
No critters are included.


Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by ryos on 18.01.2008 at 06:10:33
I personally think Ghosthunter is your best work. Anything from that would be golden.

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by SandyBean on 18.01.2008 at 06:24:23
OK ?   :D

So what is and more importantly Where is this Ghosthunter???  If it is a mansion by J & M I would love to play it! ;D


SandyBean [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by brell on 18.01.2008 at 15:30:06
Ghosthunter is a mansion for the expansion pack and will not be released until the EP is out.  It was pre-released to those that participated in the EP contest last summer.

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by joeb on 18.01.2008 at 18:44:20
Radeka uses a lot of the GH graphics except for the screens.
Opening, yes that's rain. The XP has precipitation
ghopen.jpg (294 KB | )

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by joeb on 18.01.2008 at 18:45:06
gh1.jpg (452 KB | )

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by joeb on 18.01.2008 at 18:46:04
and snow
gh2_001.jpg (375 KB | )

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by joeb on 18.01.2008 at 18:47:29
I've redone and cleaned up for Radeka. I think I'll also post the screens
gh3.jpg (441 KB | )

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by joeb on 18.01.2008 at 18:49:51
I think it's around 100 rooms. That's what we usually target as our size, nice round number. Speaking of the XP any ideas on when. I'll probably redo GH and then post it. There were a couple of things I'd like to change.

Joe B

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by SandyBean on 19.01.2008 at 05:05:00
Thanks Brell and Joeb for clearing up the confusion.  

Joe;  it looks fantastic!   :o

Take care guys,

SandyBean [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by Mikee on 19.01.2008 at 05:22:13
fantastic Graphics joeb. You and Wingy are the best designer for Graphics i think!  :D

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by joeb on 19.01.2008 at 10:55:09

It's another level of difficult because of the added XP features but it does have a spiffy look and when you play it you'll be reminded of Radeka. I'd say play another XP mansion when the pack gets released because we use the new features a lot and they can spring up on you until you start looking for them. Hopefully the XP will come out soon as we have 2 other mansions ready to go but they're XP only. One of them is the follow on to GH and Radeka was sort of based on it. You'll see.....


Thanks for the compliment BTW

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by sam skelton on 19.01.2008 at 20:25:44
Yeah, when I start with custom graphics, I'll probably use some of your stuff (if it's okay with you of course) But that won't be until the expansion is released. Anyway, I got my high school  applications in and now we're going on a little ski trip! I will see everyone in two days.

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by joeb on 21.01.2008 at 23:08:49
:'( :'(

I forgot I had to get my SuperBowl credentials and go to training so unfortunately I didn't get the time to put our empty mansion together. I also didn't hit the board much although I think Matt did.

:-[ :-[ :-[

Sorry about that.........

Title: Re: Custom Empty Mansion
Post by Matari on 11.08.2008 at 22:39:05
Hi - did anything happen about this custom empty mansion?  I would love to have a go at another one using the new graphics.  Or is it possible to empty an existing mansion and use that?

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