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Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> 7th Key, The >> The 7th Key

Message started by Freddy on 19.03.2008 at 04:30:18

Title: The 7th Key
Post by Freddy on 19.03.2008 at 04:30:18
I made a miniature for last Christmas. And right now I am working on a new one for Easter. So, The 7th Key will be released very soon!

Here is a screenshot from the startingroom. Or is it the exitroom? Or ...
Afbeelding_2_001.png (53 KB | )

Title: Re: The 7th Key
Post by Semi-Native on 19.03.2008 at 06:29:54
Hooray, a new Freddy mansion!

Title: Re: The 7th Key
Post by sherryl199 on 19.03.2008 at 11:28:43
Another, "Hooray" for a new Freddie mansion

Title: Re: The 7th Key
Post by aquaMat on 19.03.2008 at 18:29:08
Looking forward to this !!!

(I'm already getting my old pocket calculator out.... to be able to count all the colored doors that will surely be in there !)   :D   ;)   ;D

Or will it be just that one room ????  :o   :'(

Title: Re: The 7th Key
Post by rose on 20.03.2008 at 00:52:29
I am looking forward to this too! But i have to wait until after Easter to have time to play.

Please Freddy, when new mansions are uploaded change the date for the post, then I'll get a notification. I have missed some releases lately due to that the date hasn't changed and no notification is send.

Title: Re: The 7th Key
Post by brell on 20.03.2008 at 01:53:47

rose wrote on 20.03.2008 at 00:52:29:
Please Freddy, when new mansions are uploaded change the date for the post, then I'll get a notification. I have missed some releases lately due to that the date hasn't changed and no notification is send.

Rose, when we add new mansions to the lists we are only editing old posts but not adding new ones.  That is why the dates don't change and no notification is sent.  Instead:
1. We advertise the new mansion in the news
2. We give the mansion a special board
3. We notify that the lists have changed by announcing the last date of change.

Sorry but this means you have to visit the site on a regular basis to check for new mansions.

Title: Re: The 7th Key
Post by Freddy on 21.03.2008 at 00:21:41
Release on or even before Easter should be possible. I already want to thank both betatesters, brell and Toybox, for their marvellous support. Without them a mess would have been launched.

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