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General Custom Mansions Area (Mac and Windows) >> Custom Mansions / Designing >> Layers of sprites

Message started by Olle the Greatest on 21.05.2008 at 16:52:33

Title: Layers of sprites
Post by Olle the Greatest on 21.05.2008 at 16:52:33
I've been trying to place coins/money bags behind for instance a chest, but the chest always appear behind the bags, no matter how I do it

I've seen it in lots of other mansions, treasures covered by stuff... how do I do it? Sprites seem to appear in all layers at the same time so it doesn't seem to help to put them in different layers...


Title: Re: Layers of sprites
Post by aquaMat on 21.05.2008 at 17:42:17
I'm aware of the problem, too..... and have told Vern about it, about a year ago:

Unfortunately not all decorative sprites have a checkbox for "Foreground".... which is often a real nuisance. It was even worse in the Exp.Pack...where - gladly - Vern has put a few more in, after I complained about it. But there are still enough things that could need such a checkbox..... 'cause, as you say, it doesn't help at all if you place them in layer-6....they're still in the background....until they have such a checkbox, of course.

Title: Re: Layers of sprites
Post by Olle the Greatest on 21.05.2008 at 20:34:06
ah... but I never [stupid me] checked with the red pointer... at least I can make the chest appear in the foreground... thanx :)

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