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Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> Octopus Mansion >> Jack stucks, cheap deaths http://www.actionsoft.com/forums/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1220164522 Message started by josephine on 31.08.2008 at 14:44:21 |
Title: Jack stucks, cheap deaths Post by josephine on 31.08.2008 at 14:44:21
Hi Olle- fun mansion, thank you! The "octopus" was my favorite part. :)
I found two Jack stucks: 14496 (if Jack goes to where the bird was he cannot get out), and 15892 (got stuck in lower left corner when the silver brick was activated, with no way to get to the upper floor.) There were two cheap deaths: 16099 and 16299, Jacks hits a spider and a bird immediately when entering the room on the ladder. I am eagerly looking forward to the rest of The Octopus! [smiley=thumbsup.gif] |
Title: Re: Jack stucks, cheap deaths Post by Olle the Greatest on 31.08.2008 at 20:33:51 josephine wrote on 31.08.2008 at 14:44:21:
Thanx for liking it (if one can thank anyone for that? :) 14496 - how on earth did you get up there without having the door opened? I sure cannot :) 15892 - how on earth did you get in to the blue section when the silver blocks were activated? You cannot get in through 15098 if there's silver, and the only place you change to gold is in 15892, but you cannot die after having switched to gold? Fixed the cd:s though, but I don't know what to do about the JS... please give me more information on how you got there... |
Title: Re: Jack stucks, cheap deaths Post by josephine on 01.09.2008 at 11:16:10
In 14496 I jumped up after the door opened and the bird was eaten by the spider, but there is a green brick on the ceiling that stopped me from going back out.
In 15892 I don't know how I got down there :P ;D I was wandering around lost with a blue key, looking for a blue door. Sorry I can't be more specific. I'll try playing through that part to see if it happens again. |
Title: Re: Jack stucks, cheap deaths Post by Olle the Greatest on 01.09.2008 at 14:06:40 josephine wrote on 01.09.2008 at 11:16:10:
I see, didn't think anyone would jump up there... I'll fix Quote:
Well I think you saw the blue door before you even went into the blue section... Still impossible for me to figure out how you got down there with silver turned on though... if you find the time [or if you have recorded the game] please tell me :) |
Title: Re: Jack stucks, cheap deaths Post by Semi-Native on 02.09.2008 at 00:21:56 Olle the Greatest wrote on 01.09.2008 at 14:06:40:
That happened to me once, too. In Room 15298, when Jack enters from the left, if he enters too fast he can fall down to the room below - the blue section - without dying. |
Title: Re: Jack stucks, cheap deaths Post by sherryl199 on 02.09.2008 at 01:22:21
Hi -
Sorry for two threads question - didn't see this one initially. I had one more possible JS - when I dropped from 16303 to 16503, I died in 16503 from one of the 'evil' fish - I kept reincarnating where the skulls used to be, but, because I never left the room, there are no skulls and no way to jump on to the wall. BTW this is a terrific mansion - I can imagine what your mansions will be like in "normal" or "hard" versions - great fun! |
Title: Re: Jack stucks, cheap deaths Post by Olle the Greatest on 02.09.2008 at 01:48:02
indeed it was... changed the skulls to a "normal" reappearing brick...
and sent the update to freddy :D luckily enough, I don't think he's checked his email for the previous two redundant updates :D [edit] also made it impossible to fall down from brown to blue... [/edit] |
Title: Re: Jack stucks, cheap deaths Post by iRock on 02.09.2008 at 02:32:34
I am really enjoying this mansion a lot. When I get to the 2nd save platform and head into the green section on the upper right, I can play all the way to the black room where I can see the lantern. (sorry forgot to note the room #) When I get just below the lantern I have no where I can jump without dying. Any tips on what to look for? Which way to go? I have lost up to 8 lives here with no solution. Thanks
Title: Re: Jack stucks, cheap deaths Post by iRock on 02.09.2008 at 02:42:55
Never mind I figured it out! Yay me! ;D
Title: Re: Jack stucks, cheap deaths Post by Olle the Greatest on 02.09.2008 at 05:38:18
Coins in the form of a lever is clever, but stuck are you if you miss this clue. :) yay you!
Title: Re: Jack stucks, cheap deaths Post by Toybox on 02.09.2008 at 17:01:29 sherryl199 wrote on 02.09.2008 at 01:22:21:
There is also a sneaky trick around that one. If you Suspend the game and then Resume, the skull platform should have reappeared. [smiley=evil.gif] |
Title: Re: Jack stucks, cheap deaths Post by aquaMat on 03.09.2008 at 01:54:38
Hi Ollie,
great easy mansion that you designed there ! We were desperately needing new easy mansions....we have a lot of new forum members.... I really enjoyed playing it....especially the "Octopus section". There are a few minor issues....but after all it's a huge mansion. |
Title: Re: Jack stucks, cheap deaths Post by Olle the Greatest on 03.09.2008 at 02:57:30 aquaMat wrote on 03.09.2008 at 01:54:38:
Well you're not known for designing Easy mansions ;) but I must say that JUMP! went from "impossible" to "intriguing" when I started using the long-jump-keys instead of rightarrow-space and leftarrow-space... I didn't know one actually jumped longer! Issues... well I guess the first mansion should be full of them, and one gets better with time, eh? :) |
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