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Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> Perpetuum Mobile >> Perpetuum Mobile - A few words of guidance

Message started by aquaMat on 11.11.2008 at 18:49:35

Title: Perpetuum Mobile - A few words of guidance
Post by aquaMat on 11.11.2008 at 18:49:35
Dear friends,

I thought it might be a good idea to give a few words of advice about my latest mansion, Perpetuum Mobilé.

This mansion is somewhat unusual in that the player has to master quite a distance until the first save comes, but after that, as the challenges keep coming, there are more save pedestals than usual, so he can feel free to try some more adventurous moves etc.
There is also more money than usual to be had here, so the player will not lose patience or interest, simply because he runs out of lives too soon, too often.

Also, for a mansion of about average size (close to 100 rooms), there is quite a high number of secrets. So it is wise to look carefully for hidden coins, secret passages and other mischievious ocurrences.......  8-)

While there are several "Mobiles", self-powered moving apparati, throughout the mansion (in fact right from the 1st room on), there are a few bigger ones in the central section.

Not all of them are obvious from the first glance...... one of the hardest might be the big "grey structure" that extends over several floors/levels.
To make it somewhat easier, there is one save right before, and one after it. Both of those can be used whenever the user feels he needs them.

And one final hint about this "grey structure"  (I use this peculiar name for fear of giving too much away):  One or two levers there can be pulled, but they also can be NOT pulled.....depending of whether you think it helpful or not.

If you're there, I guess you'll find out what I mean by that.

Well then, let yourself be (infinitely) moved....by the Perpetuum Mobilé !   ;)

Title: Re: Perpetuum Mobile - A few words of guidance
Post by Lara on 15.11.2008 at 18:18:08
Guten Tag Matthias,

I am enjoying this mansion! Wunderbar! I haven't got to save point one yet, I'm as far as the room with all the yellow keys. :)

More MM playing tonight! I'm off out for a day mit meine tante, onkel und gross-mutter (spelling?!).

Tschus! :D

Title: Re: Perpetuum Mobile - A few words of guidance
Post by aquaMat on 16.11.2008 at 06:06:51
Thanks, Lara !!

I'm gölad you like it....!   :)

Your German is not bad !!

Title: Re: Perpetuum Mobile - A few words of guidance
Post by Lara on 16.11.2008 at 20:26:33

I'm in 18894 and a little stuck. I will keep trying to jump onto the pink brick. Are there any other options? :)

Title: Re: Perpetuum Mobile - A few words of guidance
Post by Lara on 16.11.2008 at 20:50:22
HELP!!!!!!!!  :-/

Title: Re: Perpetuum Mobile - A few words of guidance
Post by aquaMat on 18.11.2008 at 22:56:37
I admit this is a somewhat tricky part in PM.

But once players have found the solution it actually becomes quite straightforward and, ahem, easy.

What I can tell from the above picture is, that players having difficulties there SPOILER:  simply have not yet discovered that there's another moving brick to be activated somewhere !!

Look more carefully everywhere in this room......   ;)    8-)

Title: Re: Perpetuum Mobile - A few words of guidance
Post by aquaMat on 18.11.2008 at 22:58:25
The reason why I couldn't reply sooner is I'm down with a heavy flu and considerably raised temperature.......

(That also applies to enquiries sent in to me via Mail or PM. Though I'll try to answer them later tonight.)

Title: Re: Perpetuum Mobile - A few words of guidance
Post by Semi-Native on 18.11.2008 at 23:48:20
Oh yuck, the flu! Feel better soon, aquaMat!

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