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General Custom Mansions Area (Mac and Windows) >> Original MM Talk (Mac only) >> Beta tester wanted

Message started by Olle the Greatest on 30.01.2009 at 04:34:52

Title: Beta tester wanted
Post by Olle the Greatest on 30.01.2009 at 04:34:52
A new custom mansion coming up!
My gf and I have been building a rectangular color-coded mansion filled with mainly one-room puzzles [when you enter a room, the trick is to get out of there alive... :)]
Difficulty: hard, most of the time anyway.

We're playing it through ourselves, but as usual it's better to let some new eyes do a walkthrough to find JS's and cd's

Anyone interested?

Title: Re: Beta tester wanted
Post by Spiak on 30.01.2009 at 05:35:03
I'm available.

Title: Re: Beta tester wanted
Post by Mikee on 01.02.2009 at 07:33:27
Yep I'm also ! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

Title: Re: Beta tester wanted
Post by sherryl199 on 02.02.2009 at 02:51:43
If you need another, I'd give it a try.

Title: Re: Beta tester wanted
Post by Olle the Greatest on 02.02.2009 at 06:41:08
I sent the file to both Mikee and Spiak so I think we're fine by now.
Thanx :)

Title: Re: Beta tester wanted
Post by Mikee on 03.02.2009 at 22:06:16
Yeah I will beta-testing today.. But the second room are really hard to get the key...  :'(

Title: Re: Beta tester wanted
Post by Olle the Greatest on 03.02.2009 at 22:55:38
didn't you get my email?

Title: Re: Beta tester wanted
Post by Mikee on 05.02.2009 at 19:45:24
I have only the E-mail whit the Mansion file. Else, I don't have any from you received :-?

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