Midnight Mansion Forums
Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> Complex, The >> Jack Stuck

Message started by Missy on 24.06.2009 at 19:47:50

Title: Jack Stuck
Post by Missy on 24.06.2009 at 19:47:50
Great Game, Thank you

I think that there is a JS.  He fell from the room above.
Picture_2_021.png (106 KB | )

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by aquaMat on 25.06.2009 at 22:08:51
I remember having tried (during building) to "step off" the block in the room above that ....to see if I could land where you are.
I never landed there alive.

However, apparently you landed there while trying to go back (in the room above)....and then, it seems, you missed the grey (disappearing) platform.

This, honestly, I hadn't checked.

So this is what I call a semi-JS ....and it will be fixed in the next UD. ***

Thanks for letting me know.

***Until then: jump to your death to be able to continue ('cause that's what will happen anyway, once this is fixed: Jack will die instead of landing there alive!  8-) )

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by arevn on 26.06.2009 at 02:15:21
I have another one. Room 18694. I took the middle left ladder without activating the platform first and fell to the bottom left ladder. I knew I could do that drop and land without dying, so I thought it was a real route, but I found myself unable to get back.

Pity, until I got stuck I thought this was a very clever way of hiding a legit path!  :D

So, perhaps that middle left ladder could be a tad shorter to prevent someone from dropping from it to the platform below?

(LOVED this mansion!)


Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by aquaMat on 27.06.2009 at 07:18:30
Too bad..... this one apparently slipped thru the cracks during our beta-tests.  Nobody of us tried to go down there without activating the platform first....and I honestly thought Jack couldn't survive this fall anyway.

It's a pity.... 'cause now I have to make the ladder 1 unit shorter.....which definitely doesn't look nearly as good.

But at least Jack won't survive the fall anymore then.

Thanks for telling me.

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by aquaMat on 27.06.2009 at 07:32:01
Meanwhile I checked it.
I found a way to make the ladder a bit shorter but have it still look nearly as good..... (I still preferred the old look, however).

Anyway - it will be in the next UD..... and dropping down there alive (without actrivating the platform first) will no longer be possible.

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by arevn on 28.06.2009 at 01:50:00
Glad to help. I can't believe I made that mistake TWICE!!!  ;D


Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by sherryl199 on 20.07.2009 at 07:29:22
Hi aquaMat -

Not sure if this is a JS or if I cannot find the answer - fell from above- he's in the upper right. I can 'squirrel jump' down to the lower platform. If Jack dies, he just reappears where he is now.
Thanks -
Picture_1_038.png (174 KB | )

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by zipwin on 20.07.2009 at 20:31:46
This is a wonderful wrinkle. Not a Jack stuck. Go back out of the room and re-enter and see if you can go down then.

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by aquaMat on 21.07.2009 at 02:30:21
Hi sherryl199,

we came across exactly this problem during beta-testing....so I did something against it PRIOR to the release version 1.0. So it is no longer possible that Jack falls from the room above and lands there ....

... UNLESS you are playing a BETA version of The Complex !

Please check if you are really playing version 1.0.

In the room above this spot is a zapper beam that prevents Jack's falling to the room below.

PS:  It has been changed already before (beta) version 0.9.6. I have just re-checked it.

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by sherryl199 on 21.07.2009 at 04:37:50
I am using version 1.0 - I cannot seem to duplicate it although I've tried!

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by aquaMat on 21.07.2009 at 19:46:04
Maybe your Jack used some kind of a "teleporter device" and beamed himself up there ??
:D    ;)   :)

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by sherryl199 on 22.07.2009 at 00:12:05
I wouldn't put that past Jack!

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by sherryl199 on 22.07.2009 at 00:32:19
Actually I just figured it out. I dropped down onto that level when the moving block was going up. Basically I went under the moving block and got stuck on the lower level.

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by aquaMat on 23.07.2009 at 21:20:38
I guess you are referring to the moving brick in the room above the one you're stuck in.

But still:  even when you did it like that, you would have "flown" right thru the zapper beam (which goes across the whole width below the moving brick - even if only part of it is visible) - and I really can't see how you would have passed this zapper alive ??

PS: In the meantime I have tried to duplicate your behaviour in all ways I could think of. I never managed to land in the room below alive !!??!
:o     :-/     :-?

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by Semi-Native on 23.07.2009 at 23:35:57
Maybe there was a brief power outage in the Complex when sherry's Jack passed through the zapper beam?


Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by sherryl199 on 24.07.2009 at 01:01:38
Hi aquaMat -

I tried to take a movie of Jack's jump. Perhaps I'm not doing it right, but I can only record the last room - not the jump from the room above. I pressed Command R in the top room, but both times I only recorded the lower room???? I have two different films - the first I died on my fall and then was 'reborn' in the room below. The other time I let Jack fall under the platform so he was alive on the lower level.

If you tell me how to do it, I'll send those two clips to you.

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by aquaMat on 24.07.2009 at 22:06:55
Unfortunately I have no experience with those MM-movies.
I have never tried to make one....  but as far as I remember there was a detailed explanation in the MM User Manual, wasn't it ?
If I remember correctly, it is not possible to simply record a certain sequence though..... the MM-movie feature can only "film" a complete game.

I'd like to see it though....

...so maybe another member could help out by telling you how to record the movie of only a segment ??

One way to do it:
You could use Snapz.
This is a free software which lets you make "screenshot movies" (= a movie equivalent of a screenshot). Everything that happens on the screen (incl. mouse movements) is recorded into a quicktime (?) movie and can then be exported / saved.

I once used Snapz - however I never used it to record MM.... but I remember we have talked about it in this forum before - so I assume anybody else might have used it for MM already !?

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by aquaMat on 24.07.2009 at 22:11:07
Ahem, Sherryl.....

.... I have just re-read your post.  Maybe I had misunderstood you. :-/

Now it sounds as if you DO already have working film clips of the issue ??!
Or not ?
(First I had the impression it hadn't worked correctly and you were asking for asiistance for the filming).

If you have working films in a format that I & my Mac can read, please PM me about it....or send them via E-Mail.

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by sherryl199 on 24.07.2009 at 23:30:25
I just downloaded Snapz and will see how that goes. What I have now are two short films that I recorded using the MM record feature. The recording, however, in both cases, only recorded the final room - perhaps it cannot record room to room. If you  pm your email, I will send those to you (I'm a totally Mac person) and try to do better with Snapz. Perhaps it is as Semi-Native said, Jack is falling between the electric bolts?

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by rose on 25.07.2009 at 00:16:56
Sherryl you can start the movie in any room at any time. Sstart it one room earlier you should get what you need.

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by Wingy on 25.07.2009 at 08:08:36

aquaMat wrote on 24.07.2009 at 22:06:55:
One way to do it:
You could use Snapz.
This is a free software which lets you make "screenshot movies" (=

Last time I check Snapz is going for nearly $70 a copy.



Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by sherryl199 on 25.07.2009 at 11:12:38
I finally did get MM to record - don't know why it didn't work before?! Duh for me being blonde! I filmed the JS and will send it along to aquaMat.

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by rose on 25.07.2009 at 14:06:38
Blond? That is not a bad thing as I am a blonde too  [smiley=laugh.gif]

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by Semi-Native on 25.07.2009 at 19:42:15
Me too!

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by Wingy on 25.07.2009 at 22:02:30
Me three! No, just kidding. :(

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by sherryl199 on 26.07.2009 at 07:20:32
You know what, Wingy, you should be blonde! and we mean that as a compliment!

Three Blondes (Semi-Native, Rose, and Sherry)

Title: Re: Jack Stuck
Post by Wingy on 26.07.2009 at 21:32:56
I never dyed my hair and never intend to, you could get cancer or something. (lol) My hair is just fine as it is, brown-ish. Well you could call it blonde but it's getting darker as the years stack up on me...

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