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Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> Church >> Church problem

Message started by dlcatftwin on 10.08.2009 at 06:08:34

Title: Church problem
Post by dlcatftwin on 10.08.2009 at 06:08:34
Greetings all,
Long time, and I'm back. Was pleased to see an update to Church (v 1.1)
so I thought I'd give it a whirl (really wanted to see how it would END! :-)
Anyway, I think I found a SJ (stuck Jack) towards the end.
Room 17285 - Jack 'fell" off the floating platform and landed here (see pic) - any recourse? Or is it back to save 3?  :P
BTW, 3 saves so far, much better than the 1 save prior, but a few more would have been appreciated.
Thanks for the great work!  :D
Church_trouble.png (82 KB | )

Title: Re: Church problem
Post by Semi-Native on 10.08.2009 at 08:01:39
Hi and welcome back!

How did you manage to land there? I think you'll probably have to start over from the last save, sorry.

If you can describe how that happened, I'll try to fix it.

Title: Re: Church problem
Post by BO PEEP on 11.08.2009 at 01:53:58
I also found a few similar jack stucks , so returned to last save point.
I have played  through the new version and seem unable to find more than 15 secrets(78%).
Love this mansion but am totally confused during latter of game. Also I cant see why it is labelled very large, am I missing something? and does anyone know how many rooms there are ?

Bo Peep

Title: Re: Church problem
Post by Semi-Native on 11.08.2009 at 03:15:41
The problem I had with trying to correct this mansion is that when you look in the level editor, the rooms look nothing like they do when you're playing the game. I don't know why that is, maybe it has something to do with the custom graphics. Plus there are a lot of extra rooms that aren't in the game itself, so it's very confusing.

If you can describe to me exactly how Jack got stuck, I'll try to fix it.

Title: Re: Church problem
Post by dlcatftwin on 13.08.2009 at 11:53:39
Hello Semi-Native,
I am referring to my dilemma where Jack got stuck in room 17285.
From the above (prior) room, Jack landed in the little skull platform from above (doing one of those "death-defying" hurdles from high above only to grab a pole at the very last instant), landed on the platform and promptly fell off, falling "through" the wall and landing where he did.
Hope this helps, and thanks for the interest.

Title: Re: Church problem
Post by Semi-Native on 14.08.2009 at 05:04:28
I''m working on fixing this, but I think I'll wait to see if other problems crop up before I send an update.

In the meantime, here's a hint. Jack doesn't have to hurdle from high above to reach that pole. There's another way, much safer. Not totally safe, but a lot safer than the other.

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