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Message started by Amplifyed on 02.09.2009 at 08:40:25

Title: The Secret Beneath: My (4th?) mansion!
Post by Amplifyed on 02.09.2009 at 08:40:25
I think this should be enough to tease you guys.  ;D
SecretBeneath.jpg (242 KB | )

Title: Re: The Secret Beneath: My (4th?) mansion!
Post by Missy on 02.09.2009 at 08:47:09
Salivating, yep, I'm salivating......so when's the release?! [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

Title: Re: The Secret Beneath: My (4th?) mansion!
Post by Amplifyed on 02.09.2009 at 09:31:44
Depends on:
A. How long I want to make it
B. How much free time I have to work on it.

But it would be nice if I could get it out by Christmas.

Title: Re: The Secret Beneath: My (4th?) mansion!
Post by Semi-Native on 02.09.2009 at 19:24:19
Ooooohhhh, looks great!  Find the time to work on it, please.

Title: Re: The Secret Beneath: My (4th?) mansion!
Post by rose on 02.09.2009 at 19:35:26
Oh, finish it way before Xmas! I can wait!!!!

Title: Re: The Secret Beneath: My (4th?) mansion!
Post by aquaMat on 02.09.2009 at 23:57:51
Chriiiiiistmaaas ????   :o   :o   ;)   :'(

Erm....Sam....are you trying to kill us ?
Make us drown in our own saliva, Homer Simpson-like ???

It looks very promising....so I can't believe we'll have to wait that long....

However.... I'm glad that you're back !!

Title: Re: The Secret Beneath: My (4th?) mansion!
Post by Wingy on 03.09.2009 at 01:45:23
Christmas is only three months away. That's enough time to make a polished 200 room mansion, I'd imagine. We'll see how Sam does in the near future.  :P

Title: Re: The Secret Beneath: My (4th?) mansion!
Post by Semi-Native on 03.09.2009 at 02:31:37
Yeah, Christmas will be here before we know it!

Title: Re: The Secret Beneath: My (4th?) mansion!
Post by Amplifyed on 03.09.2009 at 05:17:18
Yeah. Well, Christmas is if I'm lucky, I think. If I have the same amount of homework that I had freshman year, it will probably be later... But so far, all I have is an 1500-2000 word essay and a book report. And they're due in October.

Title: Re: The Secret Beneath: My (4th?) mansion!
Post by aquaMat on 24.11.2009 at 18:35:24
I just re-discovered this thread.... and wonder how far you are ??!

This pic looked so promising....

Are you still working on it ?

I'm really looking forward to this mansion !!!   ;)    :-?  

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