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Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> Midnight Mazes and Monsters >> Room 15323

Message started by Catwoman on 10.12.2009 at 00:16:11

Title: Room 15323
Post by Catwoman on 10.12.2009 at 00:16:11
I can't get to the right side of the room in 15323. I can't step down or jump down from the tall floor bricks. I've tried doing a long jump and Jack only falls to his death.

Freddy, what tricky, devious thing am I missing? :-?

Title: Re: Room 15323
Post by brell on 10.12.2009 at 00:40:42
If I may step in:

Catwomann, what is the maximum brick height that Jack can jump from?

Title: Re: Room 15323
Post by Catwoman on 10.12.2009 at 01:31:47
Jack can survive from 6 tiles. Isn't it at 7 where Jack dies?

Title: Re: Room 15323
Post by brell on 10.12.2009 at 02:53:50
Yessss!   You've got it  ;)

Title: Re: Room 15323
Post by Catwoman on 10.12.2009 at 04:11:37
Thanks Brell. You made me think and the lightbulb came on. Now I finally have it and made it through the room. I've now completed all of the blue Normal area.  ;D

Title: Re: Room 15323
Post by gwmm on 22.11.2017 at 08:29:26
Hi, everybody! I'm back... well maybe too late in time.
So I have the same problem that Catwoman had - look at the following diagram.
What to do around here?!
Screen_shot_2017-11-21_at_5_11_35_PM.png (103 KB | 264 )

Title: Re: Room 15323
Post by Semi-Native on 22.11.2017 at 19:42:00
Hi gwmm. I can't remember, does Jack enter this room from the right or left?  Have you noticed the little crack marks in the walls? That's a hint, too.

Title: Re: Room 15323
Post by rose on 22.11.2017 at 22:53:04
He enters from the left. I said right at first but is is from the left.

Title: Re: Room 15323
Post by gwmm on 23.11.2017 at 01:05:26
The left.

Title: Re: Room 15323
Post by Semi-Native on 23.11.2017 at 03:44:40
Okay, get the first money bag on the left, then step down one step backwards so Jack can safely jump over and land on the ground where the skull spiders are. Take it from there. If you need more help, let us know. Good luck.

Title: Re: Room 15323
Post by gwmm on 23.11.2017 at 07:34:57
Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay
It Worked!!!

Thanks a lot, Semi-Native.

Title: Re: Room 15323
Post by Semi-Native on 23.11.2017 at 20:30:30
Woo Hoo!


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