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Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> Midnight Mazes and Monsters >> Room 15724

Message started by Catwoman on 11.12.2009 at 22:47:28

Title: Room 15724
Post by Catwoman on 11.12.2009 at 22:47:28
Ok, I can't figure out how to get Jack back down off the vine after going up into the room above. The moving bricks are reset and Jack can't get down safely.

And on a different front, I know I've missed some money and secrets. I don't have a lantern. Have I missed one?

Title: Re: Room 15724
Post by Freddy on 14.12.2009 at 03:56:45
The mansion is becoming tougher in this red area: hard. Coming down from the vine onto the upper moving platform does deserve some experience. Once you find out how to do it, you'll have a skill to use at so many places in all mansions. Keep in mind that you can change Jack's falling direction when he is 'in the air'. That also allows him to do squirrel jumps.

What is the link between missing money/secrets and missing a lantern? Any problem in a dark room?

Title: Re: Room 15724
Post by Catwoman on 14.12.2009 at 06:47:03
Thanks Freddy. Something for me to work on for my next visit. I can use MMaM like Nick's Testing mansion to test my skills and see how much they've improved from visit to visit.  ;)

No problem with a dark room YET. I was just wondering if I'd missed one since I'd missed some parts.

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