Midnight Mansion Forums
Announcements >> Forums Messages >> Featured Mansions

Message started by Wingy on 14.12.2009 at 07:04:26

Title: Featured Mansions
Post by Wingy on 14.12.2009 at 07:04:26
A new thing that the admins have decided to do that each week, I will select a mansion, then a room that catches my attention, post a screenshot of the room as the forum's header, and include in the news which mansion it is, and a link. You can look up you can see this idea in affect. Usually I will probably feature newer mansions when they are released. :)

I will include the name "Midnight Mansion Forums" in each screenshot, to make it appropriate for a forum header picture.

This is a simple little thing I'll be doing to promote newer players on downloading newer mansions. Lots of people get lost in the boards, there's so many mansions to choose from! ;)

EDIT: Also, just to make things clear, I am most un-bias in selecting the mansions. These are not my favourite mansions. I usually don't have time to play mansions, and actually I think most of the mansion I've featured I haven't played yet. I won't feature a mansion because I like this designer more then that one or anything, it's completely random! :) Lastly, I won't feature my own mansion unless every mansion has been featured already. :P

Title: Re: Featured Mansions
Post by Catwoman on 14.12.2009 at 07:35:38
Great idea! And I'm honored to have the first one featured!  ;D

Title: Re: Featured Mansions
Post by aquaMat on 14.12.2009 at 21:30:32
And ....where is that ?

Or is not there yet ?

Title: Re: Featured Mansions
Post by Freddy on 14.12.2009 at 22:54:55
See the news in the upper left corner of MMF.

Title: Re: Featured Mansions
Post by Wingy on 15.12.2009 at 05:24:19
Your problem could be you have your forum template set to the default YaBB, you can change it if you go into your profile. The MMF is the one.

Title: Re: Featured Mansions
Post by josephine on 15.12.2009 at 08:18:42
Great idea! There are so many good looking rooms to choose from.

Title: Re: Featured Mansions
Post by Anthony on 07.01.2010 at 09:28:55
I've edited the top post. You may want to have a look.

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