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Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> Gomorrah >> Gomorrah

Message started by Veronika on 18.02.2010 at 01:33:51

Title: Gomorrah
Post by Veronika on 18.02.2010 at 01:33:51
Are you ready to enter the evil city of Gomorrah?

It's my new, 100 room  HARD mansion. Ok, not  -I'm-ready-to-die-hard but you'll need skills, dear Jack, to finish this one.  But since I don't want  my lovely guests to get annoyed - I threw in a few normal rooms as well. :P

So my dear MM friends -is anyone out there willing to beta test?   :)

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by leo on 18.02.2010 at 20:59:51
Sure! Send it over!
I never beta'd before and I think it's about time I learned how to do it!  ;D

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by Veronika on 18.02.2010 at 22:02:33
Your e-mail address is hidden in the members list- can you send me a PM with it? Thanx.

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by SandyBean on 20.02.2010 at 11:09:32
Hi Veronika,

Really looking forward to your "evil city of Gomorrah", and it's exciting to hear you are making this one harder than your others........ I think you were just teasing us with your abilities,   [smiley=evil.gif]  like a spider spinning a web to draw it's victim in closer !!!  All your mansions have been great, and my Jack and I are excited to enter Gomorrah, and see what evilness you can get us mixed up in !!!

Thanks, and take care,

SandyBean  [smiley=2vrolijk_08.gif]

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by Veronika on 20.02.2010 at 15:50:11
;D Thanx SandyBean!

You'll see- This one is by all means harder than any of my previous mansions but hopefully it will be interesting  enough that even if you lose close to ( or ) all your lives in some rooms you'll be drawn back- to play it again and again ;)

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by Veronika on 20.02.2010 at 16:09:58
Some of the rooms that will challenge your nerves in Gomorrah  ::)
Picture_1_042.png (146 KB | 532 )
Picture_2_024.png (162 KB | 511 )

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by Veronika on 20.02.2010 at 16:16:40
Picture_1_043.png (127 KB | 526 )

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by Semi-Native on 20.02.2010 at 19:21:35
Looks exciting! My Jack is eagerly waiting to explore your latest.

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by Veronika on 21.02.2010 at 00:29:11
Leo is finished with beta testing but since it was his first time doing it- just to be on a safe side- does anyone who has beta tested before have some time to go through Gomorrah?

If you want to give it a try- please send me a PM with your e-mail address and I'll send you a zipped file.
I only need one tester- so: any takers?  :)

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by Semi-Native on 28.02.2010 at 03:53:26
This Topic was moved here from Talk by Semi-Native.

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by Semi-Native on 28.02.2010 at 04:10:23
Gomorrah has been uploaded and is now available for download.

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by Semi-Native on 01.03.2010 at 07:55:02
Really good mansion, Veronika. Thank you!


Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by Anthony on 01.03.2010 at 10:06:25
Agreed. So good that I believe it's about time to update the header on the website with one of our newer mansions...

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by Veronika on 03.03.2010 at 01:18:15
Oh my! ::) that's such a nice surprise to come to the boards and see my Gomorrah in the header! Thanx. I'm glad you like it Anthony and Semi Native ;)

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by josephine on 03.03.2010 at 11:12:58
Fun mansion Veronika, thank you! Yeah, I had to go back a few times and kind of rushed through it. But I'm playing again and really enjoying it. Good combination of clever rooms but not impossible. Nice work!
josephine2.jpg (58 KB | 470 )

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by Olle the Greatest on 08.03.2010 at 00:02:25
yeah it was fun :) I seem to have rushed a little too fast, must have missed a secret somewhere... Better go back and look then :D

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by aquaMat on 15.03.2010 at 23:57:46
Gomorrah is a really great new mansion !!
I like that it is full of surprises, unexpectecd turns etc.
Even the saves are where you won't expect them.....!

Very well built - and a whole lotta fun to play.

As I said before - Veronica, you're getting better and better!!

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by dlcatftwin on 29.03.2010 at 04:43:35
Hi All,
I was looking for the "Start New Topic' button but cannot find it, so forgive me for highjacking the current topic. I am in this room in "Gomorrah" - simple questions: where do I go? Jack falls to his doom no matter what.
Gomorrah.png (106 KB | 513 )

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by Semi-Native on 29.03.2010 at 05:25:56
Jack's jumping skills come into play here. See the one brick sticking up above the red door? Jack has to land on that.
Good luck.  8-)

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by brell on 29.03.2010 at 07:24:45

dlcatftwin wrote on 29.03.2010 at 04:43:35:
Hi All,
I was looking for the "Start New Topic' button but cannot find it,

Were you trying to start a new topic WITHIN another topic?
That is not possible.  You have to be at the board page, not a topic page, to start a new topic.

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by aw on 27.07.2012 at 23:48:04
i'm in room 16496 at the Save pedestal...but i can't get back to 16497. the platform is never out under the ladder in 16497...so Jack keeps falling to his death.

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by brell on 30.07.2012 at 18:39:04
I've uploaded a fix.

Title: Re: Gomorrah
Post by aw on 31.07.2012 at 22:30:19
perfect. thank you. love this mansion.

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