Midnight Mansion Forums
Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills (Mac only) >> Included Mansions >> Jack Stuck in Citadel of Dr. Cassiopus Hard

Message started by Semi-Native on 31.08.2010 at 23:46:56

Title: Jack Stuck in Citadel of Dr. Cassiopus Hard
Post by Semi-Native on 31.08.2010 at 23:46:56
Jack is stuck between 16505 and 16305. See pics.
Picture_1_108.png (164 KB | 401 )
Picture_3_032.png (182 KB | 346 )

Title: Re: Jack Stuck in Citadel of Dr. Cassiopus Hard
Post by Toybox on 01.09.2010 at 00:45:26
How did this one slip past? I'll fix it when I'm back home. Probably by replacing the wall in the upper room by (half) a grey door which will open via a T trigger on the ladder.

Edit: done.

Title: Re: Jack Stuck in Citadel of Dr. Cassiopus Hard
Post by Semi-Native on 01.09.2010 at 01:53:52
Thanks, Toybox.

Title: Re: Jack Stuck in Citadel of Dr. Cassiopus Hard
Post by kiddo on 20.09.2010 at 20:59:28
Ok, I got stuck in the same place so how do I get the update?

Title: Re: Jack Stuck in Citadel of Dr. Cassiopus Hard
Post by Semi-Native on 20.09.2010 at 21:44:00

kiddo wrote on 20.09.2010 at 20:59:28:
Ok, I got stuck in the same place so how do I get the update?

Go here:

If you've also downloaded the custom mansion 'Ghosthunter' don't forget to move it into the new Custom Mansions folder.

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