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Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills (Mac only) >> Included Mansions >> Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?

Message started by Semi-Native on 19.09.2010 at 03:14:36

Title: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Semi-Native on 19.09.2010 at 03:14:36
14897 (see pic)

The gray door didn't open like it's supposed to, after Jack finished the left side of the mansion. So, he can't get to the right side.
Picture_4_015.png (189 KB | 403 )

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by DavidSned on 23.09.2010 at 18:18:41
My Jack keeps getting stuck this way. Actually, if I can't get all the grey doors to open, I quit so I don't go through everything only to get stuck again. Is there an order that will allow the doors to open properly? I would like to finish Jasperlone Mountains. I see others have.

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Semi-Native on 23.09.2010 at 19:24:24
I think this is something that must have just occurred in the update. Hopefully it will be corrected soon with a new update.

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by margherita on 24.09.2010 at 01:39:40
I am in the same situation... :(

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Anthony on 24.09.2010 at 03:14:51
Yeah, this is my fault. There is a trigger that opens the door as soon as you come into the room, but the number is off by one... Vern, if you could get that for the next update, that would be great.

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by suztours on 01.10.2010 at 23:34:25
Room 15709 - HELP!  Can't go anywhere with silver blocks... same with gold... I'm entering from the right.

Also - I have this green key but can't find any yellow ones.  Have I missed something in the earlier part of the mansion?

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Anthony on 02.10.2010 at 20:40:47
It seems Room 15709 is non-existent. Can you re-check your room number? Are you sure this is the right mansion we're talking about? :P

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by suztours on 02.10.2010 at 23:08:55
Hey - sorry -  meant to put this under Leofani Mansion Hard... It's really hot over and my brain is frazzled, sort of like Jack in Leofani Mansion Hard!

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Anthony on 03.10.2010 at 05:08:05

Well what you do here is you coming in with it as silver. Pull the first lever and hold down the left movement key to fall on the gold bricks. Jump from the first lower gold brick to the higher one in the middle of the room and jump up to the middle lever. Once you pull that, make your way down to the silver block on the bottom, the one farthest down. Then jump up from the bottom silver brick and Jack's head will pass through that other silver brick and you can continue.

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Olle the Greatest on 05.10.2010 at 04:27:21

Anthony wrote on 24.09.2010 at 03:14:51:
Vern, if you could get that for the next update, that would be great.

Indeed... this is the last mansion, would be great to be able to finish it...

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by josephine on 21.10.2010 at 14:56:25
Any word on this fix yet? I've played through all of MM2 at every difficulty so no more Jack until we get past here  :(

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Semi-Native on 21.10.2010 at 18:42:26
I don't know when the update will come out, but in the meantime, if you just want to play the mansion, you can move it into the Custom Mansions folder and fix the Jack Stuck in the level builder. That's what I did, I put a floor tile to the left of that gray door that will open it.

At least that allows you to play. Good practice for the real thing.


Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by miltrump on 25.10.2010 at 12:43:28
The update didn't fix it.

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by josephine on 25.10.2010 at 18:52:01
Same here- Jack is still stuck behind that last grey door. I tried playing forward from my old saved game and also replayed the whole mansion from the beginning, with the same result.

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Rande on 26.10.2010 at 02:25:11
Same experience... double-checked to make sure I was playing the updated version but still no budge.  Arr {mild frustration :)}

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Anthony on 26.10.2010 at 05:00:29
If you simply resumed your game from a suspension, then the trigger has already been triggered sadly enough -- You'd have to go back to a previous save point.

I just double checked and the trigger to open the far-left grey door works fine in room 14897 from the version I sent in to Vern. If you want to take a look, check and see in the door in the room in the editor matches the trigger's ID.

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Rande on 26.10.2010 at 06:14:51

I may very well be getting something wrong, but I didn't resume from a suspended game... I copied the new version to my applications folder and started my saved game from... Jasper Hard 9, Room 15093 (? may have that number wrong).

Do you mean I need to re-start the entire mansion?  Or just that I have to start from an earlier save point, like 8 or 7?

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Rande on 26.10.2010 at 06:24:31
Sorry to pester!  Me again...

Screen shot is attached.  OR, another option... is the trigger in that room and I have to go back to that section to activate and then run through from there?  I should probably just try that instead of asking, but I wanted to make sure we were talking about the same door.  The far left isn't the one I can't get through... it's the 2nd from left.

Thanks!  STill loving it... feeling a little obsessive about finishing, maybe ;)
stuck_001.jpg (147 KB | 341 )

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by MTGA on 27.10.2010 at 06:19:26
also opened up the game in the latest version (1.0.2), re-started from a saved game and got stuck here again as well. 

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Winters on 28.10.2010 at 08:07:35
I'm stuck in the same room, #14897, starting from the left side and the gray door won't open.  I did not start from a saved game from the previous version.  I started Jasperlone Mts. Hard with v 1.0.2.   :(

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by spacegorilla on 29.10.2010 at 02:41:11
I'm also stuck here again, the update didn't seem to fix it.

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by spacegorilla on 29.10.2010 at 04:24:20
I checked the trigger, it is set to object 3345, but the door it needs to open is 3358, so maybe that's the problem?

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Semi-Native on 04.11.2010 at 03:34:47
I'm stuck here again, too, and I started from a new game.

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by DavidSned on 06.11.2010 at 15:02:29
I started a new mansion and got stuck in the same place again just like everyone else here.

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Anthony on 06.11.2010 at 21:21:58
I sent an update to Vern last week to fix this, last update for MM2 no one really made it clear which door it was, so I wasn't sure and had the door open 3345 instead of 3358. :( Hopefully another update should be out soon enough.

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by VernJensen on 07.11.2010 at 07:36:30
Hi all,

I just want to apologize for the delay in getting this update out. Unfortunately, while a mansion fix is very fast to make in the level builder, the process of releasing a game update is much more involved, taking 4-7 hours on average, or most of a working day. Part of this has to do with the game's legacy codebase... so once the port is done, updates will be easier to do.

Anyway, I will make it a priority to get *critical* mansion bug fixes released sooner, even if it means posting just the mansion and the corresponding data file (so you can play the mansion in-game) here before the game itself is updated. If any critical bugs need fixing asap, just email me and I'll get right on it.

Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by VernJensen on 07.11.2010 at 07:37:01
OH and, the 1.0.2b update that fixes this is available here:


Title: Re: Jasperlone Mts. Hard - Jack Stuck?
Post by Rande on 09.11.2010 at 02:12:15
Personally, I think you guys do a great job.  Just happy I can finish this mansion!!!

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