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Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills (Mac only) >> Included Mansions >> Jasperlone Normal green keys

Message started by rose on 16.10.2010 at 19:33:38

Title: Jasperlone Normal green keys
Post by rose on 16.10.2010 at 19:33:38
There are only 4 green keys but 5 green doors! I don't think it is fair to find out at the end that you have to replay half the mansion just to keep a (second) green key needed for the end part. If you see a green door and have the key you use it.
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Title: Re: Jasperlone Normal green keys
Post by Rob Seegel on 17.10.2010 at 02:21:19

rose wrote on 16.10.2010 at 19:33:38:
There are only 4 green keys but 5 green doors! I don't think it is fair to find out at the end that you have to replay half the mansion just to keep a (second) green key needed for the end part. If you see a green door and have the key you use it.

I can see how it might be a little frustrating. There was some disagreement between testers about that too. I think in the end it was thought that things like that provided replay incentive (or at least use of save points). You might play once to get through, and then possibly additional times to try things a bit differently and get things you missed the first time. There are similar situations in a few other mansions.

Title: Re: Jasperlone Normal green keys
Post by rose on 17.10.2010 at 14:37:31
I don't agree as it is too  far between using the last green key and when you need it. You can't make a choice. And frankly I think there are enough incentives to make one play the mansion again and again without first getting angry (I wanted to use a less fine word here). I think it is an unfair game strategy. I didn't pick it up during the testing period. >:(

Title: Re: Jasperlone Normal green keys
Post by Rob Seegel on 17.10.2010 at 15:03:03

rose wrote on 17.10.2010 at 14:37:31:
I didn't pick it up during the testing period. >:(

Actually, you did... you didn't care for it much then, either. :)

Updated: I could have sworn there was a bit more discussion about that, but I guess I was wrong, though you weren't the only one to comment about it.

I was just looking back over those posts, and Anthony defended his decision for setting it up by saying that the first game had situations like that in Easy mansions, and that in this case, the bonus at the end was a reward for not using the keys up unnecessarily (paraphrasing).

Title: Re: Jasperlone Normal green keys
Post by rose on 17.10.2010 at 17:21:49
Did I? My memory is very good but extremely short. ;) It seems I stick with my opinion!

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