Midnight Mansion Forums
Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills (Mac only) >> Game Improvements >> Ability to have multiple liquids

Message started by Leon on 01.07.2011 at 05:59:30

Title: Ability to have multiple liquids
Post by Leon on 01.07.2011 at 05:59:30

I thought it would be a good idea to be able to have Lava, Acid and Water in the same mansion rather than just one.

The reason I came up with this idea is because I had a idea for a mansion that needs both water and lava, I was going to use layer 6 bricks to hide the water or lava but I remembered that those substances appear in front of layer 6 bricks

What do you guys think?

Title: Re: Ability to have multiple liquids
Post by Semi-Native on 01.07.2011 at 06:05:22
I haven't built any mansions in MM2, but I agree that would be a great addition.

Title: Re: Ability to have multiple liquids
Post by Leon on 01.07.2011 at 06:13:39
Glad to hear it

Side note - Yay, I finally made my 200th post :D

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