Midnight Mansion Forums
Midnight Mansion 1: HD version (Mac and Windows) >> Included mansions >> House of Baron Garneau hard - Problem Starting Mansion

Message started by MTGA on 01.10.2011 at 01:59:33

Title: House of Baron Garneau hard - Problem Starting Mansion
Post by MTGA on 01.10.2011 at 01:59:33
was trying to start House of Baron Garneau (Hard) and received the following message on the screen, then the game quit. 
  this did not happen when i tried to start other mansions.
HBG.jpg (316 KB | 385 )

Title: Re: Problem Starting Mansion
Post by VernJensen on 05.10.2011 at 03:13:15
This will be fixed in the 1.0.1 update, which has already been submitted to the store, but not released by Apple yet.

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