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Midnight Mansion 1: HD version (Mac and Windows) >> Included mansions >> Hint House - missing green key

Message started by Freddy on 22.11.2011 at 02:26:26

Title: Hint House - missing green key
Post by Freddy on 22.11.2011 at 02:26:26
After finishing 5 serious mansions, I decided to have a quick look in the Hint House. Nicely built up. Much better than the previous tutorial.

I really liked it till I got in trouble ... missing a green key to be able to continue. >:(

But I am guilty as charged. Being too long away!!
Schermafbeelding_2011-11-21_om_19_40_20.png (1287 KB | 468 )

Title: Re: Hint House - missing green key
Post by Semi-Native on 22.11.2011 at 05:13:56
Try again, Freddy. Nothing's missing.

Title: Re: Hint House - missing green key
Post by VernJensen on 24.11.2011 at 09:09:43
Good to see you back Freddy!

Title: Re: Hint House - missing green key
Post by Freddy on 25.11.2011 at 19:28:33
Oh dear, oh dear ... :-[ ;D :-[

See image in previous post. My Jack was so worried about the missing green key - and meanwhile saving the purple key for that other door - that he didn't realize that he could use that purple key for an other purple door !!!

Hint House finished. Very nice instructing mansion, Vern. 8-)

Title: Re: Hint House - missing green key
Post by Missy on 24.03.2017 at 07:57:13
Hint Mansion Normal.  MM1

It's been a real long time since I've played MM 1 and for some reason I'm
I've gone thru the mid & lower mansion so many times & for the life of me I can't find the extra yellow key to continue.  And I have only 1 yellow and one green key left as you can see in the pic below.  There are no other keys showing up on
the map.

I've included 3 pics of the map to show that Jack has gone thru everything
that I could find.   See, no extra keys to be had anywhere. 

What am I missing?  Was there some special route that he needed to go thru
first?  But there are no keys showing on the map.

I took the route on the right above the 2 save points where Jack had to use the red key on the door near the pole.  All that was there was a blue and
yellow key.  Where's the other yellow key or green key or purple key?  This is maddening.

Help Please.  I hope that after all this time, someone is here to help me.
Thank you.

P.S.  How do I activate the room number?   
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Title: Re: Hint House - missing green key
Post by rose on 24.03.2017 at 13:45:38
I wish I could help you. I don't have The Hint House. Where can I find it?

Title: Re: Hint House - missing green key
Post by Semi-Native on 26.03.2017 at 20:49:28
Missy, turn on Room Numbers by hitting Command + D. I think you may have missed going down that vine. Look at your last screen shot, where Jack is on the vine in the room with the 2 yellow doors. There's a vine to the right that leads down. Go down and you will find yourself in Room 16105. Go down the ladder into 16305, and the other yellow key is there.

rose, you'll find Hint House in MM-HD, Episode 1, top left on the map.

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Title: Re: Hint House - missing green key
Post by rose on 26.03.2017 at 21:01:17
Thank you Semi.Native.I did look but missed it!

Title: Re: Hint House - missing green key
Post by Missy on 27.03.2017 at 10:30:47
Hi Semi-Native and again, Thank You for your help.

I feel so dumb.  Seriously dumb. 

Thank you soooo much.  :)

Title: Re: Hint House - missing green key
Post by Missy on 27.03.2017 at 11:24:33

rose wrote on 26.03.2017 at 21:01:17:
Thank you Semi.Native.I did look but missed it!

Hi Rose,
It's been a real long time.  How are you?  Thank you for offering to help me,
but Semi-Native helped me find it.  I feel sooo dumb.

The Hint House Mansion is in Vern's original MM 1 game which was converted
to the HD version.  It's the very first Mansion with all the hints written out
for beginners, but we have to complete it or we can't open the last mansion
that has a lock on it.

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