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Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> StarCraft 1 (Space Towers) >> StarCraft Bug?

Message started by dlcatftwin on 04.12.2011 at 06:48:04

Title: StarCraft Bug?
Post by dlcatftwin on 04.12.2011 at 06:48:04
Hi all,
Hmm... wonder if anyone is still checking these readings out? Guess we will see.
This note is for the author of Starcraft. I would like to play it with the originally intended special Game Data and screens. Following the instructions closely, I insert the specially-made data in place of the original game data. Then....
MM fails to load, citing an issue with Gamescreens.c
I have attached a view of the error message.

I can play StarCraft fine, so long as I do not use any of your specially crafted data inserts.

What's up?
Thanks much,
Picture_1_145.png (16 KB | 736 )

Title: Re: StarCraft Bug?
Post by Rob Seegel on 04.12.2011 at 09:19:52
This isn't so much a bug as the fact that Anthony hasn't had time to fully convert Starcraft over. It's going to be a pretty significant effort upgrading all the graphics - almost as much effort as the original work was. Just about all the graphics have to be twice their current size, and unfortunately simply scaling them up in an image editor isn't going to look very good. There's a good reason that this mansions and others like it haven't already been converted...

Also, I'm not sure if Vern has finalized how he wants to support custom graphics in the new game. Preferably, it would be some way to store all the custom graphics, music, and screens into the main directory structure. At the moment, he's pretty focused on getting a Windows version of the game working.

Title: Re: StarCraft Bug?
Post by dlcatftwin on 04.12.2011 at 10:46:29
Hello Rob,
Thank you for the response and explanation; it makes sense. My guess is once upon a time it worked? Like say, in Tiger, and MM was version 1.01, etc.
*oh, well* Maybe someday... StarCraft, among all the other fine 3rd-party castles independently developed would look fabulous in MM HD!
Thanks again,

Title: Re: StarCraft Bug?
Post by Rob Seegel on 04.12.2011 at 11:35:39
All of the mansions on this board were independently developed, and I agree with you - it would be great to see it and the others updated.  All of them worked in the previous version of MM which worked in Snow Leopard and earlier.  Unfortunately, Lion broke the original game because the game depended on Rosetta. So, although it could play all the mansions, the game itself wouldn't work in Lion. If you haven't upgraded to Lion yet, then you can still play the older version, and use the mansion editor.

Depending on how successful Vern is with making the game playable on more platforms so that he can increase the user base, you may be seeing more custom mansions, and other games, but there's a lot of time and effort involved. 

Fortunately, the majority of the games converted cleanly. After the upcoming holidays, I'm planning on talking to some of the other designers whose games haven't been converted to see what we can do to get more converted over.

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