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Free Chat >> Speaker's Corner >> A Late Merry Christmas

Message started by Leon on 27.12.2011 at 06:13:18

Title: A Late Merry Christmas
Post by Leon on 27.12.2011 at 06:13:18
Hey folks,

It's the long lost designer Leon and I would like to wish you all at Actionsoft (both Staff and Members) a Merry Christmas
I hope you all had a good day yesterday and had some good quality time with Friends and Family ^_^

As for me, I decided to experiment with my new pressie to create this ^_^

Leon Fletcher
WeihnachtenActionsoft.png (240 KB | 379 )

Title: Re: A Late Merry Christmas
Post by Semi-Native on 27.12.2011 at 06:21:15
Merry Christmas, Leon! What's a pressie?

Title: Re: A Late Merry Christmas
Post by Leon on 27.12.2011 at 06:30:43

Und, Kein Problem

Title: Re: A Late Merry Christmas
Post by Semi-Native on 27.12.2011 at 18:00:47
Ah, Britspeak! lol
Thanks for clearing that up. Cheers.


Title: Re: A Late Merry Christmas
Post by Leon on 27.12.2011 at 18:06:24
If you must know it was the Bamboo Fun Pen and Touch Graphics Tablet ^_^

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