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General Custom Mansions Area (Mac and Windows) >> MM2 Talk (Mac only) >> Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon

Message started by gwmm on 29.03.2013 at 10:29:09

Title: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by gwmm on 29.03.2013 at 10:29:09
Making a mansion called Secret Planet. Here's some info:
Secrets: Hopefully at least 300
Rooms: About 400
Difficulty: Easy. (I mean "children easy!")
Description: Jack has just heard that each of the 4 kings and queens are going to take over Malone Island!* Manny, one of the kings, has created a plan: an invention that has a lot of zapper beams to take over the island. Jack's friends, Paula and Legbert, are going to stop the kings and queens! There are 13 buttons to shut the machine down.
Save Pedestals: 58
*The place that Jack was after he found all the gold in Jasperlone Mountains

Screenshots will be coming soon.

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by Amplifyed on 29.03.2013 at 11:57:23
That sounds wonderful, can't wait to see it!

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by Semi-Native on 29.03.2013 at 19:36:48
Yay! Looking forward to it.

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by gwmm on 02.03.2014 at 08:27:20
By the way, this thing has something to do with the MM1 mansion "Catacombs". So, when you finish each section, as always, there will be a save pedestal and next to it contains the perfect score. All the sections (except for the training) has a total amount of 75,000. (Training score is 25,000) That basically means that when you finish section 1, your perfect score is 100,000. Section 2's perfect score is 175,000, section 3's 250,000, well...you get the idea. But the final score is 925,000. BUT, there might be another secret area in the exit room, consisting of 25,000, which means that if you find it, total will be 950,000. Become a millionaire (almost) in just an hour! 

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by josephine on 02.03.2014 at 13:15:49
I like the backstory  :)

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by gwmm on 02.03.2014 at 23:48:28
I'm glad you do, Josephine. But I am not strating to add the sprites yet!

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by gwmm on 05.04.2014 at 13:17:24
UPDATE: (Oh my goodness there hasn't been any recent activity on the forums so I posted this) Some of the secret rooms include yet what most people complain about, but these add boring educational value to what would otherwise be an almost entirely fun-to-follow planet! Anyway, it includes mathematics (fractions, time, ratios, geometry) because most people except me have trouble with it, so when you enter, you get to explore AND learn at the same time, especially if you have kids. Have fun!!!!

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by josephine on 06.04.2014 at 15:29:56
There is definitely activity on the board, but i think a lot of people (like me) just drop by to see what's new without signing in or posting anything  8-)

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by mick on 07.04.2014 at 08:03:24
What she said.

I'm still sad about the slow death of this sweet game, and am buoyed by the fine creative people who continue to make new mansions....   even if they are for MM2 and I have to boot into a Snow Leopard partition to play the game.

MM1 still gets a lot play.

My appreciation to you (all).

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by josephine on 09.04.2014 at 15:15:59
(Hey mick- I have a new MM1/HD mansion coming soon. Will announce it when ready for beta testing. Maybe a couple of weeks  :)  )

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by SandyBean on 14.04.2014 at 01:48:58
That's Excellent News Josephine....can't wait !!!!   :D
And also really looking forward to A Secret Planet...sounds terrific  8-)

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by gwmm on 27.06.2014 at 07:26:26
Some new backgrounds:
background53.png (84 KB | 527 )
background54.png (140 KB | 553 )
background56.png (147 KB | 567 )

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by gwmm on 27.06.2014 at 07:44:33
Another preview (I reached max pictures in one post - 3)
background55.png (99 KB | 501 )

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by gwmm on 30.05.2015 at 01:28:05
K, those backgrounds don't actually appear in the mansion. Sorry about that. I decided to delete those.

Title: Re: Secret Planet: A new mansion coming very soon
Post by josephine on 30.05.2015 at 11:07:43
Oh! Does that mean Secret Planet will be released soon?  :)

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