Midnight Mansion Forums
Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> Midnight Mazes and Monsters >> Room 16707

Message started by Spaz on 15.04.2013 at 03:28:19

Title: Room 16707
Post by Spaz on 15.04.2013 at 03:28:19
This old man is just about to give up on this room/mansion. I can not figure out how the jump thing works. Any hints will certainly be appreciated.

Title: Re: Room 16707
Post by rose on 15.04.2013 at 13:10:15
Which jump thing do you mean more exactly? The ladder or the wall?

Title: Re: Room 16707
Post by Semi-Native on 15.04.2013 at 19:28:28
Can you give us a screen shot?

Title: Re: Room 16707
Post by Spaz on 16.04.2013 at 02:40:06
First off thanks for the replies.
MM_Problem.png (63 KB | 502 )

Title: Re: Room 16707
Post by Semi-Native on 16.04.2013 at 03:56:20
Oh, okay. Ladder jumps are done by holding down an arrow key at the same time as the up or down key (whichever way you're going on the ladder). To jump straight up, hold down the up arrow when you get to the top of the ladder. Some mansions have ladder jumps to the right or left, so you would hold down the right or left arrow key.

Title: Re: Room 16707
Post by Spaz on 16.04.2013 at 06:09:53
Ahso! Guess that was too simple for this portly senior. Thanks for the help.

Title: Re: Room 16707
Post by Semi-Native on 16.04.2013 at 08:16:11
You're very welcome. That was a feature that was discovered and used a lot by custom mansion designers. I don't think it was in any of the early documentation.

Good luck with the rest of the mansion.

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