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Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> Orpheus >> JS 16299 in HD version

Message started by rose on 26.02.2014 at 22:19:14

Title: JS 16299 in HD version
Post by rose on 26.02.2014 at 22:19:14
In room 16299 when pulling the lever nothing happens. Shouldn't a brick start moving?
Bild_2014-02-25_kl__19_44_19.png (616 KB | 643 )

Title: Re: JS 16299 in HD version
Post by JimRCGMO on 09.02.2015 at 02:01:32
I was wondering the same thing, since I've been trying to jump quickly enough onto the skulls, then the brick trigger, then back to the skull which is falling, but cannot get to it in time to be able for Jack to jump to the lower platform. And though Jack can reach the upper right-hand bricks & jump to the vine, off to the right & back, when he returns to the room the sliding door is back to closed.  :-/

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