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Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> Foggy Forest Mansion >> JS in 16494 - Foggy Forest Mansion

Message started by Missy on 30.12.2014 at 07:15:55

Title: JS in 16494 - Foggy Forest Mansion
Post by Missy on 30.12.2014 at 07:15:55
This is a JS for sure.  After Jack jumped to the left in the room above, (a secret area) he went spiralling down that long pole only to find himself without any blue keys.  That secret area should not be open if Jack has no blue keys.

see pic below:

Screen_Shot_2014-12-29_at_7_02_34_PM.png (489 KB | 756 )

Title: Re: JS in 16494 - Foggy Forest Mansion
Post by rose on 30.12.2014 at 16:26:43
You should have had a blue key her instead of a purple.

Title: Re: JS in 16494 - Foggy Forest Mansion
Post by Missy on 31.12.2014 at 07:10:53
That's my point.  Since this is a "secret area", how would one know that Jack
is going to go flying down that long pole to a whole other level and if he didn't have
a blue key on him, then this is a Jack Stuck!

Title: Re: JS in 16494 - Foggy Forest Mansion
Post by rose on 10.01.2015 at 16:04:26
I believe there was a brown board with the information just before you slid down the pole.

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