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Discussions of approved MM1 and MM1 HD custom mansions (Mac and Windows) >> House of Wonders >> Jack Stuck in 16498/16499 HD version http://www.actionsoft.com/forums/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1420577160 Message started by Missy on 07.01.2015 at 03:55:00 |
Title: Jack Stuck in 16498/16499 HD version Post by Missy on 07.01.2015 at 03:55:00
After Jack saved in 16499 then went back to 16498 to still figure out how to get the
1 shield and the green key, WHICH HE CAN'T BCOS THE LADDERS WON'T LET HIM, he fell to his death trying to get the 2nd shield and re-appeared between both rooms only now, bcos the lever is to the left of where he is standing, the door behind the brick wall is closed and he can't go up that long ladder bcos it won't let him, so what was the point of shutting off the zapper? Something is very wrong in this room. How does Jack get the green key or the last shield when the ladders won't let him? btw: The ladder to the left of the green key won't let Jack do the climb down and jump to the right, as it did when he got the 1st shield, bcos Jack ends up falling to his death. Hmm? ![]() |
Title: Re: Jack Stuck in 16498/16499 HD version Post by brell on 09.01.2015 at 22:00:12
The shields are red herrings. Freddy almost never gave the players any shields. The blue bird is the key to finding the solution to get the green key ;)
Title: Re: Jack Stuck in 16498/16499 HD version Post by Missy on 09.01.2015 at 23:50:28
Brell, that hint is way to cryptic for me. As you see in the pic above, the
blue bird is dead and long gone, so what clue was I to get from him when I killed him? |
Title: Re: Jack Stuck in 16498/16499 HD version Post by rose on 09.01.2015 at 23:57:41
I must say I amazed that you have 18 lives you can use! Try jumping up the right wall. You can afford it!
Title: Re: Jack Stuck in 16498/16499 HD version Post by josephine on 10.01.2015 at 15:54:16
Oh yeah! Maybe try jumping from *behind* that top brick on the right wall.
Title: Re: Jack Stuck in 16498/16499 HD version Post by brell on 10.01.2015 at 19:20:42
Rose and Josephine have decrypted my message :)
Title: Re: Jack Stuck in 16498/16499 HD version Post by Missy on 10.01.2015 at 19:29:03
Okay Guys & Gals Thx, I'll give it a go again in a few days & I'll let you know if I manage to get that darn green key and yes, I'm using cheats bcos I almost threw my lovely Mac out the window, trying to get that darn green key!
Aside from that, there is still a Jack Stuck as described above. |
Title: Re: Jack Stuck in 16498/16499 HD version Post by Missy on 10.01.2015 at 19:30:26 josephine wrote on 10.01.2015 at 15:54:16:
Are you referring to that little ledge sticking out of the right wall, way up top? Or are you referring to the right column on that low wall? Edit: I couldn't wait to check it out, so I played it quick and yes, Thank You ever so much, I got the green key, sheesh. I have forgotten how hard this mansion was. Now, if you don't mind, I can't spend any more hours let alone days upon days trying to figure out which set of doors to use AFTER I've used the keys on the obvious doors. My Mom passed away last Aug and I have a lot on my plate right now with the estate sale. I turned to MM to get my mind off of things, so please, if you or Brell knows the sequence of doors to open, please let me know. My mind can't handle focusing & puzzles these days, but I really do want to get to ALL the rooms and finish this mansion. It's become sort of an obsession. Also, where can I pick up a lantern in the upper part (beginning) of the mansion, bcos once Jack goes down any poles, he can't get back up there once he collects a lantern at the lower levels. |
Title: Re: Jack Stuck in 16498/16499 HD version Post by brell on 11.01.2015 at 18:59:22 Missy wrote on 10.01.2015 at 19:29:03:
Missy, there is no jack-stuck anywhere in this mansion. I have played it at least a dozen of times. Freddy is one of the very best mansion builders IMO and he took very good care of his mansions. However, this is a hard mansion with a few even harder twists, like how to get the keys in the above room. Remember: Freddy never used any decoration in his mansions except for clues, like the blue bird in the above room, which gave a hint about the ledge you discovered. He also almost never gave the player any shields. You will get a lantern much later in this mansion, just be patient. Regarding the door puzzles, take a very good look at the rooms of both sides of the door puzzle room to figure out which 4 doors to open next. |
Title: Re: Jack Stuck in 16498/16499 HD version Post by Missy on 11.01.2015 at 19:03:37
That may be so Brell, but you forget, I'm a Great mansion beta tester and yes,
there is in fact a Jack Stuck in the place that I mentioned! As for the door puzzles, I'm luck if I figure out what I have to do next in my every day life, so please, give me a far better hint than that. I'm playing MM to decrease my stress level, not increase it. lololol I really need a break here....please. |
Title: Re: Jack Stuck in 16498/16499 HD version Post by josephine on 11.01.2015 at 22:34:44
Hi Missy- I'm sorry to hear about the troubles you've been through. The holidays are always a mixed bag for me for similar reasons.
To clarify (and hopefully you've have gotten beyond this point anyway,) I meant- walk Jack all the way over to the right, as far as he can go WITHOUT jumping on top of that last brick. Now jump down to the bottom row of bricks (it's been referred to in the past as a "squirrel jump.") I don't know if this is the solution (don't remember the actual game play) but I do remember this mansion was HARD, and required critical thinking and looking at maps before making moves. Good luck! |
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