Midnight Mansion Forums
Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills (Mac only) >> Included Mansions >> Secrets in Mt Peril Easy

Message started by Regulargnome on 10.12.2016 at 20:20:27

Title: Secrets in Mt Peril Easy
Post by Regulargnome on 10.12.2016 at 20:20:27

I found only 11 secrets in MM2 Mt Peril Easy (in rooms 15695, 15699, 15905, 16099, 16101, 16299, 16303, 16498, 16698, 17298 and 17300).
Can anybody tell me where is the last one ?

Thanks for your help.

Title: Re: Secrets in Mt Peril Easy
Post by rose on 10.12.2016 at 21:12:38
Can't remember where i get them. >:(  I always start from the beginning and make sure that I inspect possible an impossible places. __jump on walls and other moves to find the secrets.

Title: Re: Secrets in Mt Peril Easy
Post by josephine on 15.12.2016 at 14:59:24
Hi Regulargnome, here's a hint: you know those 3 long elevator shafts in the center of the mountain? Look in the left one. For the specific room #, highlight the following: 15901.

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