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Midnight Mansion 1: HD version (Mac and Windows) >> Included mansions >> Falcon Manor - Normal - Room 19897

Message started by Missy on 28.03.2017 at 05:29:07

Title: Falcon Manor - Normal - Room 19897
Post by Missy on 28.03.2017 at 05:29:07
Falcon Manor - Normal - Room 19897

The room does not re-set itself when Jack comes back into the room.
As you can see by the pic, the yellow key (which you can't see bcos it fell
into the lava). 
The leaver on the far left side changes the gold blocks into solid or un-solid.
Well Jack pulled the leaver and as the yellow key dropped, it didn't land on
those yellow moving planks, instead it fell into the lava.

There is no other leaver on this level to pull to make those gold blocks solid
again, so that the key stays in place until Jack tries again. 
Well, if there is one, I can't find it.

So how does Jack finish this game without that last yellow key?

The saves in this game are very sparse.  And this last level is pretty hard.
To do the whole thing every time Jack screws up all of his lives is nasty.
I know that I am out of practise, but this is ending should have a save much
closer to it.

Does Jack have to go thru the entire lava thing again, just to reset those
golden blocks, then leave the room for the yellow key to re-appear in place,
then tackle all those lava bricks again? 

Any suggestions? 

Screen_Shot_2017-03-27_at_5_05_20_PM.png (1007 KB | 431 )

Title: Re: Falcon Manor - Normal - Room 19897
Post by josephine on 04.04.2017 at 21:38:08
Hi Missy- I remember this area being really hard. Will try to take a look this weekend, time permitting. Glad to see you're still playing  :)

Title: Re: Falcon Manor - Normal - Room 19897
Post by Missy on 04.04.2017 at 22:52:15
Hi Josephine, 

Nice to hear from you too.  I hope all is well with you.

Yes, I too remember everyone complaining about this area.   There has to be
some sort of protocol to it, but I can't remember it.

There should have been a "save" point much closer to this area.  Vern should
have installed it.  Beginners must be exasperated with it and throw in the towel.

Thank you for looking into it.

Title: Re: Falcon Manor - Normal - Room 19897
Post by Missy on 04.04.2017 at 22:55:20
Hi Josephine, 

P.S.  I've forgotten how to post a reply to someone's post.  Old age sucks.
The "Quote" tab threw me off.  It should say "Reply" within the post. 
Regardless, why isn't my reply to you posted within your post?  Hmm?

Title: Re: Falcon Manor - Normal - Room 19897
Post by josephine on 07.04.2017 at 15:44:28

Missy wrote on 04.04.2017 at 22:55:20:
Hi Josephine, 

P.S.  I've forgotten how to post a reply to someone's post. 

Hi Missy- if you hit the "quote" button it should automatically copy the whole post into the reply window, then you can delete any part of it if you want (just edit the text between the set of [] brackets at the beginning and the [/quote] at the end.) The "reply" button only sends you down to the new reply window. Does that make sense?

I started playing Falcon Manor, will post when I get to that area.

Title: Re: Falcon Manor - Normal - Room 19897
Post by josephine on 16.04.2017 at 16:36:50
Missy- I played through FM again, it's a really great mansion but difficult even on the "normal" level. You're right- Jack has to flip that left lever correctly the first time or he'll never get the yellow key (and leaving the room doesn't reset it.)

This is also one of those mansions that are impossible to complete in one pass- you *must* replay it to see everything. (I also had a problem finding a 2nd blue key for the upper level. Not sure if this was by design, or me being out of practice.)

So my advice- just enjoy the journey with this one 'cuz there's no winning it  :)

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