Midnight Mansion Forums
Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills (Mac only) >> Game Bugs ?! >> Map bug

Message started by Freddy on 04.05.2023 at 02:02:54

Title: Map bug
Post by Freddy on 04.05.2023 at 02:02:54
No pic. Sorry.
A few weeks ago I pressed M to check the map and noticed that while there was a room where the only grey door previously was opened with the only lever in that room, on the map the door was closed and the lever pulled. Odd.

Title: Re: Map bug
Post by brell on 05.05.2023 at 18:24:38
You are posting in the original MM forum but shouldn't you be posting to the MM2 forum?  After all you are playing with MM2 and these bugs might be connected with MM2 only.

Title: Re: Map bug
Post by Freddy on 07.05.2023 at 16:31:43
Done :)

Title: Levers without handles
Post by Freddy on 04.05.2023 at 01:59:32
See pic.
Jack arrived in a room where some levers looked like this. They were supposed to be invisible and become revealed by T-triggers.
mm_bug.png (73 KB | 70 )

Title: Re: Map bug
Post by Freddy on 16.08.2023 at 00:00:53

Freddy wrote on 04.05.2023 at 02:02:54:
No pic. Sorry.
A few weeks ago I pressed M to check the map and noticed that while there was a room where the only grey door previously was opened with the only lever in that room, on the map the door was closed and the lever pulled. Odd.

I should have :-X and trusted our Midnight Mansion game.

Have a look at the included picture from the map of two adjacent rooms. Jack is now in the left one. Previously he was in the lower left corner of the right room and pulled the lever. That lever opened the grey door in the lower right corner but on the map that door is still closed. This is exactly what I saw in May in the transit zone of Brave New World.

Well, this is not a bug at all. In both cases Jack left the room very fast and the map 'remembers' how the room was when Jack left: with the door not (completely) open.

I realized this during the play of Castle Basano normal. Jack came in a room with a blue door and a save point but couldn't get further because he had no blue key. Much later he found that key. But when looking at the map I couldn't reconstruct the way back!?
So Jack struggled his way back and finally saw (literally) why. Previously he had left that room with the door and save immediately and fast after using a sinking platform. So fast that the map doesn't show the platform since it hadn't reappeared.

Sorry, Vern.

Afbeelding_2_011.png (51 KB | 55 )

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