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Discussions of approved MM2 custom mansions (Mac only) >> Caves and the Castle, The >> The Caves and the Castle normal - Brief visit

Message started by Freddy on 21.08.2023 at 02:41:35

Title: The Caves and the Castle normal - Brief visit
Post by Freddy on 21.08.2023 at 02:41:35
Hi brell !

On Sundays my Jack is allowed to enter custom mansions. He had a brief look in the normal version of TC&Cn. Even the abbreviation is long!

Room 12076 is an interesting room in the very beginning. After a few restarts (I call that cheating, Jack) he knows the following order for opening the red doors. But as his mentor I am interested in the crystal clear subtile clue.

Fair is fair. I really don't see it. :-[
TC_Cn_12076.png (142 KB | 61 )

Title: Re: The Caves and the Castle normal - Brief visit
Post by brell on 21.08.2023 at 16:05:02
Hmm... a rugsack !?

Title: Re: The Caves and the Castle normal - Brief visit
Post by Freddy on 25.08.2023 at 01:40:01
I didn't take the rugsack in account because it was left of the doors and so before any of the doors. But maybe I should have think a step further. Because there was nothing else, besides 2 critters, the backpack was the only lead.

Meanwhile I am a little bit further and I am happy (really?  ;) ) with the close to game over feeling. See image 1.

More to the right in the mansion my Jack had a red key that he used (see map) at the right of the purple door.

The map shows me this:
1) a green key that I can't get and a green door;
2) a yellow key that I can't get and a yellow door;
3) a purple key that I can't get and a purple door;
4) two red keys that I can't get and two red doors.

So for all visible doors I see appropriate keys, but I can't get any. To continue I am surely missing something.
TC_TCn_12077.png (145 KB | 53 )
TC_TCn_map.png (121 KB | 54 )

Title: Re: The Caves and the Castle normal - Brief visit
Post by brell on 25.08.2023 at 02:20:37
Why can't you get the green key?

Title: Re: The Caves and the Castle normal - Brief visit
Post by Freddy on 25.08.2023 at 15:13:10
Although you wrote only one line, I could read between the lines that opening the red door in the room with the purple door was no mistake.

Without succes I tried to approach the green key from below with the ladybug vine and from the left. I also couldn't find a way to a possible room above the green key room, with the hope to come down to that upper left corner.

In weekend I'll do a new effort. Maybe it has to do with the half hidden yellow ladder at the right.

Title: Re: The Caves and the Castle normal - Brief visit
Post by brell on 25.08.2023 at 16:45:20
I remember when you were betatesting this mansion for me you also had the same problem.

The green key is accessible from the ladybug vine.  I know that you have not tried everything that can be done from there.

PS it does not matter which red door you open first.

Title: Re: The Caves and the Castle normal - Brief visit
Post by Freddy on 26.08.2023 at 18:34:17
My Jack is revisiting MM2 - The Caves and the Castle normal. I add three room-pictures from his journey.

Room 12081. I think I had a proper first, and so far only, save. I could catch the green key in the upper left corner (thx). Is this the save that is later mentioned on a sign for being prepared in the colossal cave with the two H-trigger rooms? Couldn't find an other one yet.

Room 11478. Jack could take a 2nd shield and let the mimic pull the lever to ... toggle the torches. I haven't the slightest idea why. I surely have the feeling that I am missing some things.

Room 11078. I am impressed by the designing work with all the (bat) platforms in this mansion. Must be a very complex work to get all things right. And Jack has to use them very careful.
Q: On the image you see that the lever was pulled thus the grey platform activated. Jack picked up the blue key in the barrel but without using the blue platform! Now he is in the lower left corner, not knowing what that rather fast on/off block is doing there and without a way back to the upper right corner. Is this a half Jack-stuck?
TC_TCn_12081.png (225 KB | 57 )
TC_TCn_11478.png (164 KB | 57 )
TC_TCn_11078.png (144 KB | 54 )

Title: Re: The Caves and the Castle normal - Brief visit
Post by brell on 26.08.2023 at 19:03:02

Freddy wrote on 26.08.2023 at 18:34:17:
Q: On the image you see that the lever was pulled thus the grey platform activated. Jack picked up the blue key in the barrel but without using the blue platform! Now he is in the lower left corner, not knowing what that rather fast on/off block is doing there and without a way back to the upper right corner. Is this a half Jack-stuck?

Yes this looks like HJS.  Will look into it later

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