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Midnight Mansion Forums

Latest news!

February 2025's updates of custom mansions are:
- for MM1 and MM1 HD The Bat House (version 1.2) by Chippy
- for MM1 and MM1 HD Sky Boxes (version 1.4) by Semi-Native
January 2025's updates of custom mansions are:
- for MM2 Brave New World (version 1.1) by Freddy
- for MM1 Art minds mansion (version 1.1) by Veronika
December 2024's updates of custom mansions are:
- for MM2 Hanging Gardens of Babylon (version 4.1) by Freddy, SandyBean, Josephine and brell
- for MM1 Cheetah Castle Easy (version 1.2) and Cheetah Castle Normal (version 1.2) both by Catwoman.

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The forums are run by three administrators. Read here who they are and what you may (and may not) expect from them.

A brief history of the game
At first there was Midnight Mansion, now often called MM1. This game package was for Mac only and contained 8 mansions, each on easy, normal and hard level. Above that there was a builder included, so that customers could design mansions themselves.
Then there was Midnight Mansion HD, now abbreviated as MM1 HD for both Mac and Windows. It contained the 3x8 mansions from MM1 plus 3x a bonus mansion: Tomb of Princes. All in high definition!
Actionsoft's latest game, Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills, includes 28 mansions with a lot of new features. The 8 built-in mansions have 3 difficulties along with 4 extra custom mansions. Yes indeed, the MM2 package also has an included builder to create mansions!

Custom mansions

In the past decades several customers started experimenting with the builders. Creating rooms. Talking about it on the Midnight Mansion Forums. Sending their own designed mansions to other board members to test them. And finally sending them to the administrators of MMF.
Result? Nearly 200 extra mansions are downloadable from these boards and some of them have over 100 rooms.
If you like to download custom mansions, go to the General Custom Mansions Area (Mac and Windows) where you find the lists with all the download spots.

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Now I'm stuck (Read 11184 times)

Posts: 94
Now I'm stuck
01.06.2007 at 09:31:44
Greetings all,
I need some help in this enormous palace!
I am in room #15515 (in the Spider Maze). I see the "floating" floor on the right with no apparent way to get there.
right above this frame is room #15315- the two barricades are still closed, and I fear that they need to be open in order for Jack to leave this area.
Please advise!
Thank you,
DLC Embarrassed

In 15515, I see the floor (on the right side of the room) bu no visible way to get there, nor can Jack jump up over the lip of the gutter at the ladder's bottom.
In 15315, I can get to the bottom of the left ladder (left of the first closed door and its lever to the right), but of course this is not useful as I have to somehow get to the right of BOTH closed doors.
Help needed, give me a pointer, please!

(modified by brell due to crossposting)
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« Last Edit: 22.09.2008 at 03:46:12 by brell »  
dlcattayloru dlcatftwin  
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1809
Moita, Portugal
Gender: male
Re: MMandM: now I'm stuck
Reply #1 - 01.06.2007 at 18:47:54
Please do not post messages in more than one topic, preferably the right one  Wink

I've removed your post from Talk but first I copied the bottom half of it to your post here.

The person to answer this best is of course Freddy,  who has been away for a while due to personal matters, but will hopefully return this weekend.  I will look at the rooms you mention when I am home from work.
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A stuck Jack is better than no jack
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Treasure Hunter

Posts: 976
Gender: female
Re: MMandM: now I'm stuck
Reply #2 - 01.06.2007 at 19:11:02
Well, as always try everything! There are only 6 keys for walking and jumping and one for using a leveler and one for looking at the map. HAve you tried all everywhere in this room???
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1809
Moita, Portugal
Gender: male
Re: MMandM: now I'm stuck
Reply #3 - 01.06.2007 at 20:47:26
I'll give you one hint.  Have you found a way to get the silver coins on the other side of the maze?
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A stuck Jack is better than no jack
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Posts: 94
Re: MMandM: now I'm stuck
Reply #4 - 02.06.2007 at 01:03:39
Re: MMandM: now I'm stuck
Reply #3 - Today at 1:38pm 
I'll give you one hint.  Have you found a way to get the silver coins on the other side of the maze?

Thank you Rose and Brell for replying.
To answer accordingly, yes I believe I have gone everywhere in this room and tried "everything".
Usually when Jack is hidden on the side of a room, there's a hidden lever to engage - I've looked for all that i can find.

Silver coins on the far (left) side of the maze? (I presume you mean that). I did find the secret entrance to a series of rooms (the first with a myriad of levers) if that's what you meant. The other silver coins were decoys, iirc. (I also found the secret rooms on the "top" and on the "upper right" of this maze as well).
Perhaps another hint? Please?
Thanks for your help - my apologies for double-posting.
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dlcattayloru dlcatftwin  
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Treasure Hunter

Posts: 976
Gender: female
Re: MMandM: now I'm stuck
Reply #5 - 02.06.2007 at 01:20:23
Try again!! You'll be amazed how easy it is.
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1809
Moita, Portugal
Gender: male
Re: MMandM: now I'm stuck
Reply #6 - 02.06.2007 at 01:23:48
There are NO decoys in MM&M.  All money is reachable.
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A stuck Jack is better than no jack
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Treasure Hunter

Posts: 561
Kiel, Germany
Re: MMandM: now I'm stuck
Reply #7 - 02.06.2007 at 01:28:44
The shields are decoys though Wink
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profile picture 'The Book of Secrets'
(c) Marta Bevacqua http://m0thyyku.deviantart.com/
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Posts: 94
Re: MMandM: now I'm stuck
Reply #8 - 02.06.2007 at 04:35:51
Thanks for the responses, Brell and Rose.

...o.k.a.y.....  Undecided ....I'll give those "decoys" a try (Jack just keeps falling to his doom Sad )

Thanks again,
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dlcattayloru dlcatftwin  
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Posts: 94
Re: MMandM: now I'm stuck
Reply #9 - 02.06.2007 at 05:29:14
Hi again,
Okay, there are no decoys and I am supposed to be surprised at how easy it is! Shocked

I am in room 15312 and am on the middle of the three floors. To the left of Jack (beyond the chasm and ladder) is an alcove with two silver coins - I presume these are examples of the silver coins in question. The end of the floor Jack stands on consists of three false blocks, which he falls throught every time, and it's just too far to jump.
There are two other locations (above0 with the same arrangement. I called them decoys, since there seemed no apparant way to get the coins (or whatever else your hinys are alluding to).
What am I missing?
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dlcattayloru dlcatftwin  
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