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Midnight Mansion Forums

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February 2025's updates of custom mansions are:
- for MM1 and MM1 HD The Bat House (version 1.2) by Chippy
- for MM1 and MM1 HD Sky Boxes (version 1.4) by Semi-Native
January 2025's updates of custom mansions are:
- for MM2 Brave New World (version 1.1) by Freddy
- for MM1 Art minds mansion (version 1.1) by Veronika
December 2024's updates of custom mansions are:
- for MM2 Hanging Gardens of Babylon (version 4.1) by Freddy, SandyBean, Josephine and brell
- for MM1 Cheetah Castle Easy (version 1.2) and Cheetah Castle Normal (version 1.2) both by Catwoman.

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The forums are run by three administrators. Read here who they are and what you may (and may not) expect from them.

A brief history of the game
At first there was Midnight Mansion, now often called MM1. This game package was for Mac only and contained 8 mansions, each on easy, normal and hard level. Above that there was a builder included, so that customers could design mansions themselves.
Then there was Midnight Mansion HD, now abbreviated as MM1 HD for both Mac and Windows. It contained the 3x8 mansions from MM1 plus 3x a bonus mansion: Tomb of Princes. All in high definition!
Actionsoft's latest game, Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills, includes 28 mansions with a lot of new features. The 8 built-in mansions have 3 difficulties along with 4 extra custom mansions. Yes indeed, the MM2 package also has an included builder to create mansions!

Custom mansions

In the past decades several customers started experimenting with the builders. Creating rooms. Talking about it on the Midnight Mansion Forums. Sending their own designed mansions to other board members to test them. And finally sending them to the administrators of MMF.
Result? Nearly 200 extra mansions are downloadable from these boards and some of them have over 100 rooms.
If you like to download custom mansions, go to the General Custom Mansions Area (Mac and Windows) where you find the lists with all the download spots.

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A Tale of One City - Version 1.0 released (Read 33690 times)
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1801
Brugge, Belgium
Gender: male
A Tale of One City - Version 1.0 released
17.08.2008 at 20:09:16
My newest mansion will be released in sections. Just like our

So, version 1.0 only contains the first 'red' area.

I am not pleased with 2 of my own created backgrounds. But I didn't want to wait any longer with the release. Somewhere in future those backgrounds will be replaced by new ones. But that will not change play at all. Anyway, please apologize me.

Be aware of the difficulty: close to 'game over'. Cool
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« Last Edit: 27.12.2009 at 21:16:17 by Freddy »  
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Posts: 144
Lewisham, England
Gender: female
Re: Version 1.0 released
Reply #1 - 18.08.2008 at 02:18:01
I played this for about twenty minutes earlier - where do I go?!?! Cheesy
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WWW Lara  
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1801
Brugge, Belgium
Gender: male
Re: Version 1.0 released
Reply #2 - 18.08.2008 at 02:21:57
Well, euh ... how about finding the 3 red keys to take down the pole? Wink

Hey, Lara. There are cracked brick hints in the starting room. And there is even more!!
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Posts: 144
Lewisham, England
Gender: female
Re: Version 1.0 released
Reply #3 - 18.08.2008 at 06:02:07
I'm sure I'll figure it out. I really want to complete Underground Fortress though, I like focusing on one mansion at a time. Smiley
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WWW Lara  
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Posts: 114
Jerusalem, Israel
Gender: female
Re: Version 1.0 released
Reply #4 - 19.08.2008 at 19:02:27
"close to game over" is right! Shocked But as usual, this is a Freddy-mansion par excellence!  Grin

Thanks Freddy for some wonderful play-time Roll Eyes  and no, I'm not even close to figuring it all out - YET! Undecided  Cool

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Seems like little Jack was lost in some huge mansion, but he's finally found a way out... thanks to Vern, Freddy & Brell!
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Expedition Leader

Posts: 1159
Berlin, Germany
Gender: male
Re: Version 1.0 released
Reply #5 - 19.08.2008 at 21:49:26
As usual, Freddy, a wonderful mansion of yours...... with lots of great puzzles and nerve-wracking obstacles.

However, there's one thing I wish you wouldn't always do:  you always put so little money in those very hard mansion of yours (and so few save pedestals) that every player (whose name is not Freddy) is forced to start again and again....before he makes it to the first save for the first time.

Why can't you be a little more gracious/generous (when it comes to handing out a few coins).  
A silver coin here and there doesn't help me very much....   Cry   Embarrassed   Roll Eyes  Undecided

But what a great mansion..... !!
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Why is a carrot more orange than an orange ?
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Posts: 144
Lewisham, England
Gender: female
Re: Version 1.0 released
Reply #6 - 20.08.2008 at 02:40:14
Missy wrote on 20.08.2008 at 02:27:30:
Ok, I read the above, I only found one cracked brick &two red keys that ends up being one.....where are the other two???  I give up.  HELP PLEASE GIVE A MORE OF A HINT!  lololol

Look up!
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WWW Lara  
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Olle the Greatest

Posts: 335
Gender: male
Probable JS
Reply #7 - 20.08.2008 at 03:18:20
Room 16096, I came down the pole with no keys [since I hadn't changed the blocks to gold so I couldn't get the yellow/purple keys in 16297 and thus couldn't get into the doors in 16296]
I wasted one purple key in there, so I couldn't get out through 16097 since there was no way (?) of getting back up
Got all red though Smiley
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"How come things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?"
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Posts: 144
Lewisham, England
Gender: female
Re: Version 1.0 released
Reply #8 - 20.08.2008 at 03:54:33
Missy wrote on 20.08.2008 at 02:46:35:
Hey What do you mean look up......I got the two keys up top in the main rm, after using one of them to open the top left red door, I have one left.  Where are the other two.  I have been all over the three rooms and can't find them anywhere.

Up = Top
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WWW Lara  
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Olle the Greatest

Posts: 335
Gender: male
Re: Probable JS
Reply #9 - 20.08.2008 at 04:11:58
Olle the Greatest wrote on 20.08.2008 at 03:18:20:
Room 16096, I came down the pole with no keys [since I hadn't changed the blocks to gold so I couldn't get the yellow/purple keys in 16297 and thus couldn't get into the doors in 16296]
I wasted one purple key in there, so I couldn't get out through 16097 since there was no way (?) of getting back up
Got all red though Smiley

That's because I had my head upside down... 16296 should be 15896, 16297 is 15897
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"How come things that happen to stupid people keep happening to me?"
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