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Actionsoft's latest game, Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills,  includes 28 mansions. The 8 Built-in mansions have 3 difficulties along with 4 extra custom mansions. We don't have that many other custom MM2 mansions yet. Design your own custom mansion! Info below.  You can find out more about the game here.

The original Midnight Mansion game contains over 150 mansions. The 8 included mansions which have 3 difficulty levels each, and about 115 approved custom mansions which you can download here and also several freely uploaded mansions. To know the difference between these three types of mansions, click here.

Are you a creative person and thinking of designing a mansion yourself? Or want to know about how to upload it? Click here and we'll show you! You'll find guidelines for betatesters here.

Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills version 1.0.2b has been released. This fixes a bug in Jasperlone Mountains Hard. Simply re-download the game, bring over your custom mansions folder from the old version and play on. All your saves and high scores will not be changed.

Midnight Mansion HD (MM1) is now available at the Mac App Store and at the Actionsoft website. A Windows version is now available.

Here is a list of downloadable MM1 HD ready custom mansions, which also work in the Windows version of the game.

The MM2 custom mansion Hanging Gardens of Babylon by Freddy/SandyBean/Josephine/brell was updated on 19. Nov 2023 to add a fourth section. Available here

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1.1.6 Released (Read 10022 times)
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1064
Los Angeles, CA
Gender: male
1.1.6 Released
09.02.2009 at 06:24:56
I just released Midnight Mansion 1.1.6 today. It provides various stability improvements and is a recommended upgrade for all users.

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Posts: 217
New Jersey, USA
Gender: female
Re: 1.1.6 Released
Reply #1 - 09.02.2009 at 10:02:26
Where do I find the update? I just looked at several of the links at the main Action Soft web site and I'm not seeing a link to download this.
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I throw myself against walls.
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Posts: 227
Wilmington, NC USA
Gender: female
Re: 1.1.6 Released
Reply #2 - 09.02.2009 at 11:03:33
If you go to Actionsoft.com and scroll to the bottom of the page, there are two buttons, Register and Download. If you click on Download, it will take you to the download page. Then you just click on Midnight Mansion.dmg. That is the newest version. Upgrading is easy. Take your Custom Mansion folder out of your MM application and put it on the desktop. Download Midnight Mansion.dmg and follow the instructions - it will put the new version in you Applications folder. Then just replace the new custom mansion folder with your old one on the desktop and all will be fine.
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"There are three kinds of people in the world - those who are good at math, and those who are not"
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Posts: 227
Wilmington, NC USA
Gender: female
Re: 1.1.6 Released
Reply #3 - 09.02.2009 at 11:18:31
Reply #2 - If you're a Mac user and have an MM icon on your Dock, trash the old one and replace it with an icon of the new version.
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"There are three kinds of people in the world - those who are good at math, and those who are not"
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Treasure Hunter

Posts: 601
Toronto, Canada
Gender: female
Re: 1.1.6 Released
Reply #4 - 09.02.2009 at 12:08:26
FYI, I just tried downloading the new version 3 times.  I do know how to do it, but for some reason, when I go to move out the new versions Custom Mansion folder to the trash can, I keep getting the same message:  Sorry, the operation could not be completed because an unexpected error occurred.  (Error code-61)
or, if I try to move the CM folder from my desktop on top of the new CM folder, it won't let me.

Before downloading, I moved the CM folder to my desk top, then trashed the entire older version of MM file.

And yes, I trashed my MM icon from my dock.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

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Treasure Hunter

Posts: 601
Toronto, Canada
Gender: female
Re: 1.1.6 Released
Reply #5 - 09.02.2009 at 12:13:10
Pls. cancel that request.....I finally figured it out.  I was trying to move things from my Finder window, which I opened from my Doc and it won't let me.

I just tried clicking the Hard Drive on my Desk Top and a new Finder window opened with the same MM file info and I tried moving it and it works. 

That is so strange.  Why would it not work from the Finder window which was opened from the Doc?
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Treasure Hunter

Posts: 601
Toronto, Canada
Gender: female
Re: 1.1.6 Released
Reply #6 - 09.02.2009 at 12:17:14
I just check the Finder window from my Doc and the CM folder is empty.

Yet the Finder window from my Hard Drive does have the old CM that I just replaced.

I will call Apple Care in the morning, as my Hard Drive on the Desk Top has a plus sign under it and in the Finder Window. 

It's like there are 2 Finder Windows that are not merging data.
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1789
Moita, Portugal
Gender: male
Re: 1.1.6 Released
Reply #7 - 09.02.2009 at 17:49:47
Missy, this might be the beginning of a hard disk problem!  Shut down your computer NOW and take it to your local Apple repair just to be on the safe side.
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A stuck Jack is better than no jack
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1429
Orlando, FL  USA
Gender: female
Re: 1.1.6 Released
Reply #8 - 09.02.2009 at 18:27:19

Last weekend I had to erase and reformat my hard drive because of severe problems. Luckily, I had backed everything up so it really saved me from a lot of heartache.
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Treasure Hunter

Posts: 601
Toronto, Canada
Gender: female
Re: 1.1.6 Released
Reply #9 - 09.02.2009 at 21:34:21
Thank You Semi-Native,

Great suggestion, I will do that after I have my 3rd cup of coffee, as......my eyes are open, but my brain is still foggy.   lololol

In the meantime, I'm going to turn on the uptake.com live court room session that Sherry's son-in-law is involved in.....I hope that wakes me up!  lololol

Our cold snap finally broke over the week-end.  It's like spring outside. Yeahhhh!!!   I have the windows open, the birds are chirping and "The Apartment" with Jack Lemon is on tv. 
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