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Actionsoft's latest game, Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills,  includes 28 mansions. The 8 Built-in mansions have 3 difficulties along with 4 extra custom mansions. We don't have that many other custom MM2 mansions yet. Design your own custom mansion! Info below.  You can find out more about the game here.

The original Midnight Mansion game contains over 150 mansions. The 8 included mansions which have 3 difficulty levels each, and about 115 approved custom mansions which you can download here and also several freely uploaded mansions. To know the difference between these three types of mansions, click here.

Are you a creative person and thinking of designing a mansion yourself? Or want to know about how to upload it? Click here and we'll show you! You'll find guidelines for betatesters here.

Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills version 1.0.2b has been released. This fixes a bug in Jasperlone Mountains Hard. Simply re-download the game, bring over your custom mansions folder from the old version and play on. All your saves and high scores will not be changed.

Midnight Mansion HD (MM1) is now available at the Mac App Store and at the Actionsoft website. A Windows version is now available.

Here is a list of downloadable MM1 HD ready custom mansions, which also work in the Windows version of the game.

The MM2 custom mansion Hanging Gardens of Babylon by Freddy/SandyBean/Josephine/brell was updated on 19. Nov 2023 to add a fourth section. Available here

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Escape from Paris (Read 12566 times)

Posts: 94
Escape from Paris
13.02.2010 at 22:26:06
Hi Everybody!

Just wanted to let you know that I resumed work on "Escape from Paris", the third and last part of the Jacques Moilone-Trilogy. It is going to be epic, like the two first installments, so it wont be done any time soon. I am HOPING for a release in September/October. That sounds like an awfully long time, but I can only put together the mansion bit by bit (what with studying always getting in the way) and don't forget that it has to be beta-tested as well.

To give you some proof that I am really working, here's a screenshot:
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Escape_from_Paris.jpg (407 KB | 546 )
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1428
Orlando, FL  USA
Gender: female
Re: Escape from Paris
Reply #1 - 13.02.2010 at 22:28:01
Looks great, Leo. Looking forward to it!

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YaBB Administrator

Nova Scotia, Canada

Posts: 1367
Gender: male
Re: Escape from Paris
Reply #2 - 14.02.2010 at 05:06:08
Very interesting; your design.  Tongue I like it. Smiley
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Anthony Duchesne ~ Original designer of Castle Basano, Leofani Manor and Jasperlone Mountains
Anthony AnthonyDuch http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=590111070  
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Posts: 51
Gender: female
Re: Escape from Paris
Reply #3 - 17.02.2010 at 02:28:42
Leo! You can not do this to us!! You can't post this great new mansion in a making and then tell us that it will be ready to play in October! You are one mean designer Tongue !!
Can't wait for it to be ready.... I love the first two parts so I have no doubt that the third ( final ) part will be the best. Wink
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You Jacked my day... thank you ever so much!!
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Posts: 94
Re: Escape from Paris
Reply #4 - 17.02.2010 at 19:35:21
Sorry Veronica!
I will at least try and keep my promise to get it ready by October.
I don't know if this is going to be the best mansion of the Trilogy. Personally I was much happier with "Jacques' Revenge" than with "Palais Pompomrouge" but I don't know if I will be able to top that.
Anyways: Thanks for eagerly anticipating the release!  Grin
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Expedition Leader

Posts: 1159
Berlin, Germany
Gender: male
Re: Escape from Paris
Reply #5 - 19.02.2010 at 02:18:03
Wow.....  that looks really, really cool !!
But it also looks as if you're already pretty far advanced with the design.... I can't begin to imagine how it will look when you really take time until October to continue with its design !!   Wink

Probably it'll be the biggest mansion ever, then.....
I'm holding my breath & waiting to play.... already now !!
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Why is a carrot more orange than an orange ?
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Posts: 94
Re: Escape from Paris
Reply #6 - 19.02.2010 at 19:31:07
Thanks aquaMat!

"Escape from Paris" might not become the biggest mansion ever but it certainly will be huge.

BTW: I lost track of all the custom-projects going on right now. Are you planning anything new? I am always looking forward to your next mansion!  Grin
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Expedition Leader

Posts: 1159
Berlin, Germany
Gender: male
Re: Escape from Paris
Reply #7 - 27.02.2010 at 06:35:06
leo wrote on 19.02.2010 at 19:31:07:
BTW: I lost track of all the custom-projects going on right now. Are you planning anything new? I am always looking forward to your next mansion!  Grin

Actually, I must admit that I have my latest one (Brother From Another Planet - as discussed earlier) ready (or as good as ready) for more than 2 months now.
It's only a few very minor details that still need to be improved, plus the whole thing must be beta-tested.

The reasons for that delay were:  first, I took some time with correcting / improving the details and - more importantly -  second, I am ill since New Years Eve..... I've got a pretty severe back problem and I can hardly move.
That's also the reason why I'm not as active as usial on the forums lately Sad.
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Why is a carrot more orange than an orange ?
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Posts: 94
Re: Escape from Paris
Reply #8 - 27.02.2010 at 19:51:24
Oh, I am sorry to hear about your back problem!
I really hope that you will get better soon!

And, yes: I completely forgot about "Brother from another planet"! Totally aching for that one!

But: Your health is more important than any custom mansion, so take it easy and take care!
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1428
Orlando, FL  USA
Gender: female
Re: Escape from Paris
Reply #9 - 27.02.2010 at 20:10:02
Sorry to hear about your back problems, aquaMat. Ugh, that can be so bad. Hope you get well soon!
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