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Midnight Mansion Forums

Latest news!

February 2025's updates of custom mansions are:
- for MM1 Sky Boxes (version 1.3) by Semi-Native
January 2025's updates of custom mansions are:
- for MM1 The Bat House (version 1.1) by Chippy
- for MM2 Brave New World (version 1.1) by Freddy
- for MM1 Art minds mansion (version 1.1) by Veronika
December 2024's updates of custom mansions are:
- for MM2 Hanging Gardens of Babylon (version 4.1) by Freddy, SandyBean, Josephine and brell
- for MM1 Cheetah Castle Easy (version 1.2) and Cheetah Castle Normal (version 1.2) both by Catwoman.

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A brief history of the game
At first there was Midnight Mansion, now often called MM1. This game package was for Mac only and contained 8 mansions, each on easy, normal and hard level. Above that there was a builder included, so that customers could design mansions themselves.
Then there was Midnight Mansion HD, now abbreviated as MM1 HD for both Mac and Windows. It contained the 3x8 mansions from MM1 plus 3x a bonus mansion: Tomb of Princes. All in high definition!
Actionsoft's latest game, Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills, includes 28 mansions with a lot of new features. The 8 built-in mansions have 3 difficulties along with 4 extra custom mansions. Yes indeed, the MM2 package also has an included builder to create mansions!

Custom mansions

In the past decades several customers started experimenting with the builders. Creating rooms. Talking about it on the Midnight Mansion Forums. Sending their own designed mansions to other board members to test them. And finally sending them to the administrators of MMF.
Result? Nearly 200 extra mansions are downloadable from these boards and some of them have over 100 rooms.
If you like to download custom mansions, go to the General Custom Mansions Area (Mac and Windows) where you find the lists with all the download spots.

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New mansions soon:  JUMP! (Read 10176 times)
Expedition Leader

Posts: 1159
Berlin, Germany
Gender: male
New mansions soon:  JUMP!
07.08.2008 at 20:58:38
Hello everybody,

I'm back from vacation....but even while I was on vacation Rose and I were working hard on the final version of JUMP!, my soon-to-be-released latest mansion.

Originally I had planned to have it released before my vacation, but there were some last-minute issues that - thankfully - Rose had discovered and which are currently being sorted out.

I know that I have announced - or at least - mentioned JUMP! already several times since the release of "Underground Fortress" (I started building JUMP! even before UF !!), but what you need to know is:

- JUMP! is a pretty huge mansion (more than 120 rooms, 7 saves)


- JUMP! is a very tough beast, probably my hardest mansion so far.

That's why the testing phase takes a bit longer than usual. (Suztours helped beta-testing it, too, BTW.)

But my greatest shock came when, while on holiday, I installed MM on my second Mac (to be able to continue working on it during vacation). As opposed to my home G5 PowerMac, which has a 19" classic "tube" monitor, this was the first time I played MM on a Mac with a new TFT-screen.
Suddenly ALL colors were much "lighter" in tone....even those very dark baclkground tiles, which I normally can't hardly see (and often take for black) were suddenly clearly visible asnd recognisable (as being not black at all).

So I made a couple of discoveries, especially in Layer-0 or Layer-6, where I often had used "almost-black" tiles to hide something etc. - and now I saw that probably all those of you playing with a TFT-screen will immediately spot the things I thought I had disguised so cleverly !!

But maybe that was just THIS special TFT screen ?

Any comments ?

As an example, please see PIC below - on my home "tube" monitor, I can't hardly see a difference between the background tiles of the upper and those of the middle floor / passage.....  they both look grey/black.  On my TFT screen, however, I can clearly see that the middle floor has a background "wallpaper" that is grey/green-ish.

What do you guys see ??
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JUMP-example.jpg (168 KB | )

Why is a carrot more orange than an orange ?
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1434
Orlando, FL  USA
Gender: female
Re: New mansions soon:  JUMP!
Reply #1 - 07.08.2008 at 22:41:36
In the passageway, I see gray, with darker gray grooves. I don't see any greenish tint. I have an iMac G5 (PPC).
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Treasure Hunter

Posts: 976
Gender: female
Re: New mansions soon:  JUMP!
Reply #2 - 07.08.2008 at 23:01:14
I see the grey/green parts and the others are grey/darkgrey!! I have 2 flat screens. When I play I always turn the screen light up to see details better. I never played MM on my old "tube" screen.
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Posts: 91
Washington State, USA
Gender: female
Re: New mansions soon:  JUMP!
Reply #3 - 08.08.2008 at 00:48:06
I have an Intel and see the green lines in the middle section.

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Hopelessly lost but making good time.
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1434
Orlando, FL  USA
Gender: female
Re: New mansions soon:  JUMP!
Reply #4 - 08.08.2008 at 01:32:34
Oops! Didn't notice the scroll bar at first. I see the green in the middle one now, too.
Embarrassed Grin

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Expedition Leader

Posts: 1159
Berlin, Germany
Gender: male
Re: New mansions soon:  JUMP!
Reply #5 - 12.08.2008 at 21:03:04
Very interesting, thanks for the comments.
So now I'm sure that it was NOT onlyx that one flat screen, but apparently all of them are little lighter and brighter thanthe old tube screens.

In this case (this room) it's not bad of course, as I made the wallpaper in the middle passage different on purpose, but there are other rooms in my mansions, where there could be a lot of problems created thru the fact that I am not absolutely positive what the users with flat screens can see and what not.

Ohmygod....I don't even there to open ALL my old mansions (over ten after all)..... there are probably a lot of "issues" in them in regard to this screen-differences.  Of course none of those issues affect playablility....it's only design issues....or the way some secrets are disguised etc.
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Why is a carrot more orange than an orange ?
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Expedition Leader

Posts: 1159
Berlin, Germany
Gender: male
Re: New mansions soon:  JUMP!
Reply #6 - 15.08.2008 at 02:02:24
The beta-testing is almost finished........

A lttle polishing and......off we go:


....is coming soon.
Smiley  Cool  Shocked  Wink  Roll Eyes  Huh  Cheesy  Smiley
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Why is a carrot more orange than an orange ?
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Posts: 332
Gender: female
Re: New mansions soon:  JUMP!
Reply #7 - 15.08.2008 at 11:41:26
A new mansion!   Smiley

FYI, on my CRT it's green but I have to turn the contrast/brightness up to be really notice it. It's green on my Cinema Display.
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Expedition Leader

Posts: 1159
Berlin, Germany
Gender: male
Re: New mansions soon:  JUMP!
Reply #8 - 15.08.2008 at 20:33:22
@ Josephine:

Yes, that's exactly the difference in "perception" I was talking about. It seems all players with modern TFT displays have a definite advantage.  Wink

I always wondered, BTW, why Vern chose to make many of those background tiles so dark I could hardly see them. Well, this probably explains it:
Now I'm sure he used a TFT display when he designed the tiles and bricks.
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Why is a carrot more orange than an orange ?
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Posts: 217
New Jersey, USA
Gender: female
Re: New mansions soon:  JUMP!
Reply #9 - 17.08.2008 at 01:33:05
Aquamat, I have a CRT and see the green. I also use color calibration software for my monitor, so I that may be why I see it. The calibration software brightens up my display in the "after" as compared to the "before."
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I throw myself against walls.
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