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Actionsoft's latest game, Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills,  includes 28 mansions. The 8 Built-in mansions have 3 difficulties along with 4 extra custom mansions. We don't have that many other custom MM2 mansions yet. Design your own custom mansion! Info below.  You can find out more about the game here.

The original Midnight Mansion game contains over 150 mansions. The 8 included mansions which have 3 difficulty levels each, and about 115 approved custom mansions which you can download here and also several freely uploaded mansions. To know the difference between these three types of mansions, click here.

Are you a creative person and thinking of designing a mansion yourself? Or want to know about how to upload it? Click here and we'll show you! You'll find guidelines for betatesters here.

Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills version 1.0.2b has been released. This fixes a bug in Jasperlone Mountains Hard. Simply re-download the game, bring over your custom mansions folder from the old version and play on. All your saves and high scores will not be changed.

Midnight Mansion HD (MM1) is now available at the Mac App Store and at the Actionsoft website. A Windows version is now available.

Here is a list of downloadable MM1 HD ready custom mansions, which also work in the Windows version of the game.

The MM2 custom mansion Hanging Gardens of Babylon by Freddy/SandyBean/Josephine/brell was updated on 19. Nov 2023 to add a fourth section. Available here

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Problems with "expired registration code (Read 6962 times)
Expedition Leader

Posts: 1159
Berlin, Germany
Gender: male
Problems with "expired registration code
31.07.2008 at 16:35:00
Hi everybody.... and (hopefully) Vern,

I have tried to install my MM on my new PowerBook (the original MM-Documentation says it is allowed + possible to install one's MM-license on a second machine, if it's your own) !

I installed the game itself, then tried to use my original license / registration code to register it, but an error-message appeared saying: "Your registration has expired. Please connect the computer to the web and you will then get an updated registration code" ...or something like that.

I did this and it worked perfectly, however when I started to run the game or editor the next time it again said my registration had expired.

What is this problem and what can I do now ??
It can't be that I have to start my web connection now everytime I want to play MM or work on a custom mansion !

The problem is: I'm on vacation and need to work hard on the finishing touches of JUMP!, my latest custom mansion, to be able to release it here a.s.a.p.

Can anybody help ?
Maybe Vern?

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Expedition Leader

Posts: 1159
Berlin, Germany
Gender: male
Re: Problems with "expired registration code
Reply #1 - 13.01.2009 at 21:16:32
The problem I outlined above is still happening - whenever I try to open either the game or the editor on my second Mac (even thouigh I have clicked on "get updated serial/registration from the web").

But: When the Mac is connected to the Internet while I'm opening MM or the editor, it works fine.

Is there really nobody among you who knows why this is happenin' ??

(It's not really dramatic..... but I just don't want to have to connect to the web every time before I open MM....!)
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Why is a carrot more orange than an orange ?
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Treasure Hunter

Posts: 976
Gender: female
Re: Problems with "expired registration code
Reply #2 - 13.01.2009 at 22:27:34
Sorry to see that you still have this problem! Embarrassed Could it be a corrupt Midnight Mansion License file? It is in  user/library/application support/midnight mansion
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1799
Moita, Portugal
Gender: male
Re: Problems with "expired registration code
Reply #3 - 14.01.2009 at 00:57:24
There is nothing you can do except sending mail to Vern himself at the Actionsoft support.
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A stuck Jack is better than no jack
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1064
Los Angeles, CA
Gender: male
Re: Problems with "expired registration code
Reply #4 - 03.07.2009 at 03:05:01
Yes, the "support" at "actionsoft" dot com email is what anyone with problems should use. Please email me there if you're still having problems.

The problem is likely that the license file got transfered from your old Mac to the new one, and it needs to be deleted and recreated from scratch. Here is the Q&A from the FAQ about this:

Q: I've transferred my files from an old Mac to a new Mac. Now, when I start up Midnight Mansion, it tells me my computer seems to be different, and I must re-enter my registration code. But when I re-enter my code, it doesn't work -- it keeps telling me to re-enter it. What do I do?

A: Try this:

1) Click on your desktop to go to the Finder.
2) Select Home from the Go menu.
3) Double-click on Library
4) Double-click on Application Support
5) Double-click on Midnight Mansion
6) Drag the "Midnight Mansion License" file into the trash.

Now start up the game and re-enter your code. It should work this time.

If that doesn't do the trick, definitely let me know!

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