Lost Registration Codes
Lost your registration code? No problem! Just click the link below to be taken to a form where you can have your code emailed to you instantly.
Never Got Your Code?
If you recently paid for a code, but still haven't received it, it was probably deleted by your junk email filter. Simply use the "Lost Code" link above to have your codes resent to you, but
before you do that, send a blank email entitled "Adding to my address book" to our support address shown at the bottom of this page. This should help your email program recognize that address as being valid, so it doesn't delete the email containing your registration code!
If you tried everything above and still didn't get your code, email us at our support email below, but
be sure to include your phone number. Otherwise, if our emails to you are getting blocked, we will have no way of contacting you!
Registration Code Updates
Need to get an updated registration code? Click the link below to go to a page where you can enter your original registration code to get an updated code that you can enter anytime during the next month.
ActionSoft Support
If you need further assistance, you can email me directly. Unfortunately, as I now work a full-time job and am involved in many things outside of work, it sometimes takes me two weeks or longer to reply to support email. I continue to strive to improve this time, but sometimes it does take a while. But know that every email will receive a reply!
Please include the name and version of the game you're using (is it the HD version?), and what version of Mac OS X you're running.