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Midnight Mansion Forums

Latest news!

February 2025's updates of custom mansions are:
- for MM1 and MM1 HD The Bat House (version 1.2) by Chippy
- for MM1 and MM1 HD Sky Boxes (version 1.4) by Semi-Native
January 2025's updates of custom mansions are:
- for MM2 Brave New World (version 1.1) by Freddy
- for MM1 Art minds mansion (version 1.1) by Veronika
December 2024's updates of custom mansions are:
- for MM2 Hanging Gardens of Babylon (version 4.1) by Freddy, SandyBean, Josephine and brell
- for MM1 Cheetah Castle Easy (version 1.2) and Cheetah Castle Normal (version 1.2) both by Catwoman.

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The forums are run by three administrators. Read here who they are and what you may (and may not) expect from them.

A brief history of the game
At first there was Midnight Mansion, now often called MM1. This game package was for Mac only and contained 8 mansions, each on easy, normal and hard level. Above that there was a builder included, so that customers could design mansions themselves.
Then there was Midnight Mansion HD, now abbreviated as MM1 HD for both Mac and Windows. It contained the 3x8 mansions from MM1 plus 3x a bonus mansion: Tomb of Princes. All in high definition!
Actionsoft's latest game, Midnight Mansion 2: The Haunted Hills, includes 28 mansions with a lot of new features. The 8 built-in mansions have 3 difficulties along with 4 extra custom mansions. Yes indeed, the MM2 package also has an included builder to create mansions!

Custom mansions

In the past decades several customers started experimenting with the builders. Creating rooms. Talking about it on the Midnight Mansion Forums. Sending their own designed mansions to other board members to test them. And finally sending them to the administrators of MMF.
Result? Nearly 200 extra mansions are downloadable from these boards and some of them have over 100 rooms.
If you like to download custom mansions, go to the General Custom Mansions Area (Mac and Windows) where you find the lists with all the download spots.

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News corner (Read 69292 times)
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1801
Brugge, Belgium
Gender: male
Re: News corner
Reply #70 - 06.08.2008 at 21:25:37
We need to ckeck what we can do. But yes, we are in urge for 'good' links.
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Posts: 227
Wilmington, NC USA
Gender: female
Re: News corner
Reply #71 - 07.08.2008 at 02:22:08
On a "First Impression" topic, if a potential player goes to MMF, the dates of all the categories under Announcements (other than Vern's update) give the impression that this is not an active Message Board. Some may scroll down to see the rest of the site, but some may just click off and go elsewhere. Perhaps the Announcement area could just have "New!" (or something like that) when there is something new and delete those old dates in the other categories? It's just something that always bothers me - perhaps no one else!!
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"There are three kinds of people in the world - those who are good at math, and those who are not"
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1801
Brugge, Belgium
Gender: male
Re: News corner
Reply #72 - 07.08.2008 at 02:53:36
Hmmm. Thx for reporting.
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Treasure Hunter

Posts: 601
Toronto, Canada
Gender: female
Re: News corner
Reply #73 - 09.08.2008 at 21:47:52
Hi All,

Wouldn't it be a lot easier just to fix the little search window at the top so that it does find all the dialogue about the CM or MM in question or any other topic.

That way, we don't have to search and search and search all the topics for info.

ie:  on my IBS forum, all I have to do is type in a word or two and the search produces ALL posts containing that word.  My search is then cut down to those dialogues.  Much quicker and more efficient. 

Unfortunately here, we use short forms a lot  ie:  MM, CM, etc.  but at least, if the search window was more efficient,  it would  group all posts and dialogues containing the text typed into it, even if short forms are typed in.  yes? no?

BTW, I got permission to post MM on the IBS board.  Raving how it kept my sanity during my bouts with insomnia and my mind off of being sick. Which it really did.

I hope it boosts up traffic and sales.  Keep in mind, not everyone owns a iMac......so I also raved about iMac ownership versus PC.......hee,heee,heee.......so far they haven't deleted it and the views are climbing.

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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1809
Moita, Portugal
Gender: male
Re: News corner
Reply #74 - 12.08.2008 at 01:41:39
Can you give an example of the search window not working?

Anyway, the search feature is a part of the forum software and we cannot change that.
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A stuck Jack is better than no jack
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Treasure Hunter

Posts: 601
Toronto, Canada
Gender: female
Re: News corner
Reply #75 - 12.08.2008 at 02:16:53
Hi Brell,

Yes, if I type in a CM's name I do not get all the post for that name.   I just did it for "The Wall"  4 posts came up, highlighting "the" mainly......"wall" appeared actually in my post mentioning it.

But, all the posts pertaining tp the CM "The Wall"  did not show up.

Hope this helps.
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1809
Moita, Portugal
Gender: male
Re: News corner
Reply #76 - 12.08.2008 at 02:52:02
You are right, the search window is not very good.  But as I said there is nothing we, the admins, can do about it.

How about trying the Search BUTTON second to the right of the Home button?  Wink
Only gives 15 results max, though.
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A stuck Jack is better than no jack
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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1801
Brugge, Belgium
Gender: male
Re: News corner
Reply #77 - 12.08.2008 at 02:58:40
A good search-system in any software should be obvious. Roll Eyes

But since many many many posts do NOT contain e.g. the name of the mansion that they are about, one will still be missing most posts. Embarrassed
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Treasure Hunter

Posts: 601
Toronto, Canada
Gender: female
Re: News corner
Reply #78 - 12.08.2008 at 03:00:44
Hi Brell

Still not good......the word "The" in "The Wall" is the primary focus of the search.  hummmm.  For such a sophisticated, tekkie system......the search is real poor.

The IBS forum search is great. check them out:  http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/index.php?http://www.ibsgroup.org/forums/

Perhaps Action Soft is not aware of this problem?  You know, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.  Time to notify them.  yes? no?

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YaBB Administrator

Posts: 1801
Brugge, Belgium
Gender: male
Re: News corner
Reply #79 - 12.08.2008 at 03:13:00
Missy wrote on 12.08.2008 at 03:00:44:
... Perhaps Action Soft is not aware of this problem?  ...  Time to notify them. ...

I will contact Vern of ActionSoft. Not specifically about this issue (alone). But, as far as I know, our software is still YaBB 2.2 and there have been THREE updates yet. It feels obvious to ask him to install version 2.2.3 for our MMF.

Let us hope that several things will become (even) better. Smiley
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